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JavaScript function in uplan

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john booth

Nov 23, 2024, 12:41:58 PM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Can the JavaScript function in uPlan interact with the indesign document in the same way as an indesign script?

Nov 23, 2024, 2:36:42 PM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
No: uPlan (and plan files in general) does not know, what a document is; the purpose of uPlan (and plan files in general) is to calculate the values of Content Objects - formerly: "ADORs"), that are in turn used to compose personalized message, whether in an InDesign document, an email, a Web page, etc.

The fact that both (the XMPie plan interpreter on one side, and InDesign on the other side) share the same programming language (JS) has nothing to do with it.

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