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Variable thermometer

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Oct 30, 2024, 8:52:30 AM10/30/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a variable thermometer using uChart. I need the thermometer to populate based on data. If the goal amount is $20,000 and pledge amount is $11,000, thermometer is just half. Goal $97,000, pledge $75,000, thermometer is almost full. I can get the goal amount to change based off the Code, but I cannot figure out how or if I can get the pledge amount to show correctly.  

Code    Goal Amount    Pledge Amount
101      $50,000             $33,250
102      $20,000             $11,000
103      $97,000             $75,000

Not sure if this is even possible, but any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Oct 30, 2024, 8:54:46 AM10/30/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Screenshot 2024-10-30 085353.png

Dan Curry

Oct 30, 2024, 9:32:13 AM10/30/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Take my advice with a grain of salt - I'm relatively new to XMPie (but not variable data) and have not used uChart.

But, conceptually, here is how I might think about it - maketen thermometer graphics in 10% increments - so you'll have one showing 10% full, the next one is 20% full, etc all the way to 100%. Then to determine which one is shown, you can divide your Pledge Amount by the Goal Amount, then round that value up or down to the nearest percentage that is divisible by 10, then use that number to show the correct thermometer graphic.

For instance, based on your examples, Pledge Amount 33,250 divided by Goal Amount 50,000 equals .665 which is 66.5%. Round that up to 70% and show your 70% thermometer graphic.
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