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widget for specific product

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Oct 17, 2024, 11:09:27 AM10/17/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Is it possible for a widget to be applied to a particular NG product page? I'd like to add instructions that only apply to one job.


Oct 18, 2024, 8:49:40 PM10/18/24
to XMPie Interest Group
No - not out of the box or not that I am aware.
You can develop a customised widget that is displayed for a specific product.
Or you can develop a customised NG Theme that invokes a Widget when the specific Product is loaded.
Both options have merits depending on your particular use case and requirements -i.e 1 product now what if you want to add 2,3 or 4 products.


Jan 10, 2025, 7:22:33 PM (8 days ago) Jan 10
to XMPie Interest Group
We recently built a widget for one of our customers which allowed them to add HTML content to the new specific Categories or Products of their choice. 

They used the widget to add HTML styled text above the Product Name on a few of the Products in their store. The way we built it, they had the option to add an image, a video, or HTML styled text. We controlled the Categories and Products by a list of IDs.

We're happy assist with you on your project to create a widget that suits your exact needs.

You can find us at:

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