Banging my head against a wall with sub-sections

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Ian Hodgson

Nov 16, 2022, 10:26:03 AM11/16/22
to XLingPaper
I cannot for the life of me work out the pattern whereby I can insert a sub-section within the current section, that is, from a level 2 section, I cannot consistently insert a level 3 section, for example. This is my situation: I start typing text in a paragraph is a s2 level element (eg.5.2). I then realise, which I hadn't before, I want to add in a s3 element in the middle of the few paragraphs I've already typed, giving me 5.2 with a couple of paragraphs, then 5.2.1 with the rest of the paragraphs. But no matter where I click in the s2 element (title, paragraph, whole section element) the only thing I can insert to do with a section is a sectionRef. It's completely doing my nut in! It must be so simple but I can't do it. Or do I have to have worked out every single section and sub-section before I start typing? (which wouldn't fit my workflow at all).

Thanks for any pointers.


Ian Hodgson

Nov 16, 2022, 10:35:55 AM11/16/22
to XLingPaper
OK, found the answer in User Doc FAQ. I was reading the wrong section (-;
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