associating a citation style sheet

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Ian Hodgson

Jan 19, 2023, 2:15:07 AM1/19/23
to XLingPaper
Hi folks. I have successfully managed to create a references master list, associate it with my doc and make citations to refWorks in the master list. I have a Chicago citation style sheet that somebody in this forum kindly shared. How do I associate it with my document? Is it the same as a publisher style sheet? Thanks.



Jan 19, 2023, 12:38:38 PM1/19/23
to, Ian Hodgson
Hi, Ian.

The file you have is probably for the references layout portion of a publisher style sheet, especially if it is called "ChicagoManualOfStyleReferenceStyleSheet.xml" (which now comes with XLingPaper).

If you do not already have a publisher style sheet associated with your document, then see section 11.25 "Associate a publisher style sheet to my document" in the user documentation.  If your document is a book (i.e., it has chapter elements), then be sure to use a book-oriented publisher style sheet.  If your document is a paper (i.e., the top items are section1 elements), then use a paper-oriented publisher style sheet.  (If your document is a thesis or dissertation, then it should be a book.)

Once you have associated a publisher style sheet to your document, to add the Chicago citation portion, you need to do the same kind of thing you did for your master references file; the details will differ, but the principle is the same.

The principle is this (where XXE means the XMLmind XML Editor):
  1. Open both documents in XXE.
  2. In the to-be-referenced document tab, click on the top element (leftmost) in the node path bar.
  3. Use Edit menu item / Reference / Copy as Reference.
  4. In the referencing document tab, click on the element in it which corresponds to the top element of the other document.
  5. Paste.
For your case, the details will probably be something like this:
  1. Load the Chicago file into XXE.
  2. Click on "referencesLayout" in the node path bar (it should be the top one).
  3. Use Edit menu item / Reference / Copy as Reference.
  4. In your document, click on the publisher style sheet portion (it probably has a bluish background color).
  5. Use Edit menu item / Reference / Edit Referenced Document.  This will open your publisher style sheet in a new Tab in XXE.
  6. Open up the Back Matter Layout portion.
  7. Scroll down to the References Layout portion and click on "References Layout".
  8. Paste.

For citations within prose, you may need to add a citationLayout element to your publisher style sheet in the Document Content Layout portion.  See section 6.20 "Special Overrides for citation Elements" in the publisher style sheet documentation.  You may find appendix A. "Order of Elements in the Document Content Layout Portion" in the publisher style sheet documentation helpful for knowing where to insert a citationLayout element.


On 1/19/2023 12:15 AM, Ian Hodgson wrote:
Hi folks. I have successfully managed to create a references master list, associate it with my doc and make citations to refWorks in the master list. I have a Chicago citation style sheet that somebody in this forum kindly shared. How do I associate it with my document? Is it the same as a publisher style sheet? Thanks.

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Ian Hodgson

Jan 20, 2023, 8:21:59 PM1/20/23
to XLingPaper
Thanks Andy. This was very helpful. One more question: When I cite the same reference within a paragraph, the output I want is either (ibid) or (ibid, #). When I add the citation element into the main text, I select "no" in the attributes for author and date, and in the page attribute field I type "ibid" or "ibid #". In the pdf output I am seeing this: (, ibid) and (, ibid, #) because I set the citation attribute in the publisher style sheet to insert a comma between the date and page number. I could just not put in a citation element and type the citation in plain text, but then it wouldn't be marked up as a citation. I'm happy to do this but if there is a quick way of getting the output I'm after and still use a citation element, I'd prefer to do that. Any ideas?




Jan 21, 2023, 11:37:08 AM1/21/23
to, Ian Hodgson
What happens if you insert a zero width space where you have the comma now?  You'd have to key a zero width space somewhere in a regular text field (like in a title element or a p element), select it, cut, and then paste it over the comma.  See section 11.33 "Make long web page addresses break into multiple lines" in the user documentation for how to key a zero width space.

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