CompileRequest too large

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Naveen Swamy

Mar 23, 2022, 1:10:15 PM3/23/22
to XLA development
Hello XLA Devs,

I have an issue where the CompileRequest failed because of the xla message > 2GB. Upon further inspection, I found that the HLOModule Proto is the one that is large due to the tensors that are used as constants being sent across. 
I dumped the hlo proto and zipped the file and it is comparatively very small.
I am guessing someone here must have encountered this else we are doing something wrong by adding the constant tensors in the HLO proto. 
If you encountered a similar situation, how did you handle this?

1) Is there a compile pass that I can run to remove constants ?
2) or send tensors in a binary format?

Thanks, Naveen

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