For example I typically want to start firefox, then when it appears
set its size and iconify it.
At the moment I am needing to use a script to continuiously search
for a window to appear, before I can finish of its setup.
Example usage of the script is in its comments.
Something like a -wait option to the search command to continually
search until it finds the window (or times out with a error).
this means I can do somethng like this
firefox &
eval $( xdotool search -limit 1 -wait 60 --classname FireFox \
getwindowgeometry -shell )
xwith -iconify -id $WINDOW
which will wait up to 60 second until it find any firefox window,
then uses "xwit" to iconify it
Note: xdotool does not have an iconify action either!
Nor can you specify the %1 as argument in an exec command argument either!
Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer ) <>
"In the beginning their was darkness, and the darkness was without form
and void. And in addition to the darkness their was also me! And I
moved upon the face of the darkness, and I saw that I was alone..."
"Hey... bomb..."
"Let their be light ..." -- Classic SciFi Movie "DarkStar", 1974
Anthony's Castle
Xdotool can locate windows, but it does not have something to wait
for a specific window to appear.
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