xcpu and oneSIS

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Roger Mason

Dec 11, 2008, 1:07:59 PM12/11/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com

Following the thread earlier this week I tried perceus but without
success (vnfs images too big for my systems limited RAM). So, back to

With some modifications to the oneSIS Makefile I can run

make xcpu-tarball
make ramfs-tarball
make install
./mk-xcpu-oneSIS -f initrd-2.6.26-gentoo-r3.img 2.6.26-gentoo-r3 -nn -rr

Having moved the initrd to the right place my test node stops booting

/etc/init.d/rcS/: line 2: xcpufs: not found

If anyone can offer advice it will be received gratefully.


Abhishek Kulkarni

Dec 11, 2008, 1:29:50 PM12/11/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 14:37 -0330, Roger Mason wrote:
> Hello,
> Following the thread earlier this week I tried perceus but without
> success (vnfs images too big for my systems limited RAM). So, back to
> oneSIS.
> With some modifications to the oneSIS Makefile I can run
> make xcpu-tarball
> make ramfs-tarball
> make install
> ./mk-xcpu-oneSIS -f initrd-2.6.26-gentoo-r3.img 2.6.26-gentoo-r3 -nn -rr
> Having moved the initrd to the right place my test node stops booting
> with:
> /etc/init.d/rcS/: line 2: xcpufs: not found

That's strange.
Can you check if the XCPU tarball has /bin/xcpufs?

If not, I would start clean with a fresh copy and follow the steps


Roger Mason

Dec 11, 2008, 1:38:25 PM12/11/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
Hello Abhishek,

Abhishek Kulkarni <kulk...@lanl.gov> writes:

>> /etc/init.d/rcS/: line 2: xcpufs: not found
> That's strange.
> Can you check if the XCPU tarball has /bin/xcpufs?
> (/usr/share/oneSIS/xcpu-templates/xcpu-x86.tar.gz)
> If not, I would start clean with a fresh copy and follow the steps
> again.

Yes. /bin/xcpufs is present.


Kevin Tegtmeier

Dec 11, 2008, 5:38:07 PM12/11/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
How much RAM do you have?  Typically the way to go in this type of situation is to boot off a minimal boot image, retrieve 2nd stage kernel and minimal root file system and NFS mount the rest (less frequently used libraries, man pages, etc).  The hybridization process should be documented on the Perceus website.


Daniel Gruner

Dec 11, 2008, 8:48:17 PM12/11/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, you don't even need a VNFS image in order to boot into xcpu!
All you need is the initial busybox provided by perceus and activating
the perceus xcpu module "perceus module activate xcpu". This will
give you a minimal xcpu node, and you can then add remote filesystems
for mounting if necessary. You only really need user files, if at
all, since the executables that you run with xrx take the necessary
libraries along automagically.


Roger Mason

Dec 12, 2008, 5:44:17 AM12/12/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
Hello Kevin & Daniel,

"Daniel Gruner" <dgr...@gmail.com> writes:

> Yeah, you don't even need a VNFS image in order to boot into xcpu!
> All you need is the initial busybox provided by perceus and activating
> the perceus xcpu module "perceus module activate xcpu". This will
> give you a minimal xcpu node, and you can then add remote filesystems
> for mounting if necessary. You only really need user files, if at
> all, since the executables that you run with xrx take the necessary
> libraries along automagically.

I'll have another go at perceus then. I'll read the docs more
carefully over the weekend and try again on Monday. In the meantime,
I have to do some work, unfortunately.

> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Kevin Tegtmeier <kevi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How much RAM do you have? Typically the way to go in this type of situation
>> is to boot off a minimal boot image, retrieve 2nd stage kernel and minimal
>> root file system and NFS mount the rest (less frequently used libraries, man
>> pages, etc). The hybridization process should be documented on the Perceus
>> website.

The boxes I'm using at the moment have 128 to 256 MB of RAM. (My
colleagues here seem to buy a new office machine each about every two
years. I have a standing order with our computer guy - havn't bought
a computer in 10 years). I'll look again at the perceus web site.

No doubt I'll be back asking questions again next week.

Thanks again for the help,

Abhishek Kulkarni

Dec 12, 2008, 2:33:31 PM12/12/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com

I am not sure why, but it must be the way init scripts are handled in

I would just replace it with the complete path to the executable and
generate the initramfs again.

sed -i 's/^xcpufs/\/bin\/xcpufs/g'

Or maybe change the xcpu-x86-svn template to spawn xcpufs in /sbin/rc.

> Cheers,
> Roger

Daniel Gruner

Dec 13, 2008, 12:10:49 PM12/13/08
to Chris Kinney, ron minnich, xc...@googlegroups.com
Ok, here we go...

I start from an almost vanilla RHEL5.2 machine, except for the kernel.
RHEL does not provide the 9p modules, so rather than trying to
recompile their kernel I just got the 2.6.26 kernel from kernel.org.
This allows me to build sxcpu right out of the box. I obtained it
from the sourceforge svn repository:

svn co https://xcpu.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xcpu/sxcpu/trunk sxcpu

Here you simply do "make; make install" and it should all be
available. It will be important to run the "statfs" daemon on the
master, so that the commands you use later are aware of the status of
the compute nodes in the cluster. These will need to be configured in
the /etc/xcpu/statfs.conf file:

[root@dgk3 xcpu]# cat /etc/xcpu/statfs.conf

See below for more details on the assignment of IP addresses to the
nodes by perceus.

Then the perceus side of things: I have perceus 1.4.4, downloaded
directly from their site. To build it I just did the usual
./configure; make; make install with no special options. Now to the
perceus configuration...

My internal network to the compute nodes is eth0. Here is the
ifconfig for my master node:

[root@dgk3 all]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:81:2C:81:D0
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:81ff:fe2c:81d0/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:8044504 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:10719515 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1770711038 (1.6 GiB) TX bytes:1542820770 (1.4 GiB)

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:81:2C:81:D1
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fec0::9:2e0:81ff:fe2c:81d1/64 Scope:Site
inet6 addr: 2002:8e96:e1cc:9:2e0:81ff:fe2c:81d1/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:81ff:fe2c:81d1/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:44696410 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1158903 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:4665982604 (4.3 GiB) TX bytes:1197487595 (1.1 GiB)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:21339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:21339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:66081636 (63.0 MiB) TX bytes:66081636 (63.0 MiB)

In /etc/perceus there are several configuration files:

[root@dgk3 perceus]# cat defaults.conf
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Greg M. Kurtzer, Arthur A. Stevens and
# Infiscale, Inc. All rights reserved

# This is the template name for all new nodes as they are configured.

# Define the node name range. The '#' characters symbolize the node number
# in the order of initalized. If you don't allocate enough number spaces
# here for what you defined in 'Total Nodes' then it will be automatically
# padded.
Node Name = n####

# What is the default group for new nodes (this doesn't have to exist
# anywhere before hand)
Group Name = cluster

# Define the default VNFS image that should be assigned to new nodes
Vnfs Name =

# Are new nodes automatically enabled and provisionined?
Enabled = 1

# What is the first node number that we should count at?
First Node = 0

# This is the total node count that Perceus would ever try and allocate a
# node to. It is safe to make this big, so you should leave it big.
Total Nodes = 10000

(I did not modify the defaults.conf file).

[root@dgk3 perceus]# cat dnsmasq.conf

[root@dgk3 perceus]# cat perceus.conf
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Greg M. Kurtzer, Arthur A. Stevens and
# Infiscale, Inc. All rights reserved

# This is the primary configuration file for Perceus

# Define the network device on this system that is connected directly
# and privately to the nodes. This device will be responding to DHCP
# requests thus make sure you specify the proper device name!
# note: This device must be configured for IP based communication.
master network device = eth0

# What protocol should be used to retireve the VNFS information. Generally
# Supported options in this version of Perceus are: 'xget', 'nfs', and 'http'
# but others may also be available via specialized VNFS capsules or
# feature enhancing Perceus Modules.
vnfs transfer method = xget

# Define the IP Address of the network file server. This address must be
# set before Perceus can operate. If this option is left blank, the IP
# address of the "master network device" defined above will be used.
vnfs transfer master =

# Define the VNFS transfer location if it is different from the default
# ('statedir'). This gets used differently for different transfer methods
# (e.g. NFS this replaces the path to statedir, while with http it is gets
# prepended to the "/perceus" path).
vnfs transfer prefix =

# What is the default database that should be used. If this option is not
# specified, then the default is "hash" to remain compatible with
# previous versions of Perceus. Other options are 'btree' and 'mysql'.
# note: btree is default as of version 1.4.
database type = btree

# If you selected an SQL database solution as your database type above,
# then you will need to specify the SQL user login information here.
# note: this will be ignored for non-SQL database types.
database server = localhost
database name = perceus
database user = db user
database pass = db pass

# To allow for better scaling the Perceus daemon 'preforks' which creates
# multiple subprocesses to better handle large number of simultaneous
# connections. The default is 4 which on most systems can support
# thousands of nodes per minute but for best tuning this number is highly
# dependant on system configuration (both hardware and software).
prefork = 4

# How long (in seconds) should we wait before considering a node as dead.
# Note, that if you are not running node client daemons, then after
# provisioning the node will never check in, and will no doubt expire.
# Considering that the default node check in is 5 minutes, setting this
# to double that should ensure that any living node would have checked in
# by then (600).
node timeout = 600

I only modified the master network device to point to eth0. Note that
there are no VNFS images defined, as booting xcpu does not require

Install the perceus startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d, so that it
will start on boot. I believe it gets installed by default (in the
"make install" step), but it still needs to be configured with
"chkconfig -a perceus". This will start the perceus daemons,
including the dnsmasq which provides dhcp for the slave nodes. No
other dhcp server can run, but this one can be configured to provide
other network configuration for additional NICs.

After rebooting, make sure perceus is running. Then run the command:

perceus module activate xcpu
perceus module activate ipaddr

In order to get static addreses assigned to the compute nodes
(desireable), their addresses must be added to the /etc/hosts file,
e.g.: master n0000 n0001

You should be ready to start configuring the nodes at this stage.
They must be set for pxe boot. All the necessary stuff for this is
installed by perceus in /usr/local/var/lib/perceus. You boot your
compute nodes in the order in which you want them named, starting, by
default, as n0000. The first time they will be assigned an IP address
from the dynamic range defined in the /etc/perceus/dnsmasq.conf file,
but on reboot they will get the statically assigned address from the
/etc/hosts file.

By this stage you should have a useable xcpu cluster. You need to set
up the groups and users using the xgroupset and xuserset commands. In
order to get "proper" behaviour, in accordance with the version of
sxcpu that you downloaded and built, you may need to update the xcpufs
provided by perceus. This is done by statically linking the xcpufs

In /usr/local/src/sxcpu/xcpufs (or wherever you installed the sxcpu
sources) there is a script called LINKSTATIC. I am running on x86_64,
so I modified it to read:

[root@dgk3 xcpufs]# cat LINKSTATIC
echo This script is for linking statically on Linux.
cc -static -o xcpufs.static -Wall -g -I ../include -DSYSNAME=Linux
file.o pipe.o proc-Linux.o tspawn.o ufs.o xauth.o xcpufs.o -g
-L../libstrutil -lstrutil -L../libspclient -lspclient -L../libspfs
-lspfs -L../libxauth -lxauth -lcrypto /usr/lib64/libdl.a

Note that it produces the "xcpufs.static" executable, and it looks for
its libdl.a library in the /usr/lib64 directory. Then I copy the
xcpufs.static executable to the location where perceus needs it:

cp /usr/local/src/sxcpu/xcpufs/xcpufs.static

and on reboot the nodes will pick up the latest and greatest xcpufs.

After this you can do, for example:

xgroupset add -a -u
xuserset add -a -u

in order to add all the groups and all the users to the permitted user
list on the nodes. You can then run anything on the nodes, e.g. "xrx
-a date".

Needless to say, this requires that the "statfs" daemon be running.
You can verify this with the "xstat" command (see the configuration
instructions for this above).

Now, I don't know anything about IB, mainly because I have never had
access to an IB-connected cluster. I have no idea if perceus can
manage pxe booting over IB, but I suspect that if you have IP over IB
then it should, for all intents and purposes, look like just another
network interface to it (I could be utterly wrong on this, of

However, if you need to configure a second interface, say for access
to a fileserver on a separate network, then all you need to do is
change the /etc/perceus/dnsmasq.conf and define the machines in there.
Again, for static IP addresses on the second interface they need to
be defined in /etc/hosts. Let me know if you would like details on
how I did this. I then mounted my fileserver on the compute nodes by
modifying the perceus xcpu startup script in
/etc/perceus/nodescripts/init/all/05-xcpu.sh, so that the node gets a
mount point and executes the nfs mount.

Please let me know if/how this works for you. I hope it is complete...
Best regards,

p.s. Please feel free to modify this blurb and add it to the xcpu
installation instructions. Greg from the perceus group is extremely
helpful with any perceus issues.

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Chris Kinney <cmk...@sandia.gov> wrote:
> Hey Daniel,
> My name is Chris Kinney, I'm Ron's intern. I was wondering if you could
> show me how you're booting your perceus setup. We're in need of perceus
> being able to work with IB and from what we've seen, the capsules just don't
> work with it. What ever you got that can help that would be great! Thanks
> again!
> -Chris
> ron minnich wrote:

>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Daniel Gruner <dgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yeah, you don't even need a VNFS image in order to boot into xcpu!
>>> All you need is the initial busybox provided by perceus and activating
>>> the perceus xcpu module "perceus module activate xcpu". This will
>>> give you a minimal xcpu node, and you can then add remote filesystems
>>> for mounting if necessary. You only really need user files, if at
>>> all, since the executables that you run with xrx take the necessary
>>> libraries along automagically.

>> daniel, this is an excellent point, and since we are having a terrible
>> time getting our vnfs capsules to work with ib ...
>> can you give us a quick writeup for how you set this up so we can use it
>> too.
>> thanks
>> ron

Greg Kurtzer

Dec 13, 2008, 12:50:02 PM12/13/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com, Daniel Gruner, Chris Kinney, ron minnich
This looks great! Many thanks for the awesome writeup!

My one comment was about PXE booting over IB. I have heard that some
IB vendors say they have done this, but the amount of kludgery just to
get IPoIB to DHCP was a mess.

At this point, we have decided not to pursue the PXE over IB anymore
but have several other options for one wire IB support.

The first includes the use of a minimal BIOS image from Intell called
"Rapid Boot". This was developed by Intel and can be included on
Intel's EPSD server boards. Along side of Rapid Boot we have an
embedable BIOS capsule for a Perceus client that has IB support (it
doesn't have to PXE at all if the stage 1 is embedded).

The second is the use of Perceus flash media that can be attached to
the USB header on the motherboard (or via USB thumdrive).

Lastly you can use coreboot. I know someone playing with this but I am
not sure of the progress yet.

The general gist is that for IB support, we just remove the PXE
component and boot directly into the stage1.

Hope that helps!


Greg Kurtzer

Abhishek Kulkarni

Dec 13, 2008, 1:10:04 PM12/13/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com, Chris Kinney, ron minnich
Excellent write-up, Daniel. I am adding some of my comments and/or suggestions inline.
I am trying to detail most of these steps in the wiki guide for xcpu. I will take note of some of the points that you have made.

On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Daniel Gruner <dgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ok, here we go...

I start from an almost vanilla RHEL5.2 machine, except for the kernel.
 RHEL does not provide the 9p modules, so rather than trying to
recompile their kernel I just got the 2.6.26 kernel from kernel.org.
This allows me to build sxcpu right out of the box.  

sxcpu does not need any kernel modules at all. xcpu2 uses the 9p and 9pnet modules to mount the head node file system. You can also build the 9p modules for a RHEL kernel.
I obtained it
from the sourceforge svn repository:

svn co https://xcpu.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xcpu/sxcpu/trunk sxcpu

Here you simply do "make; make install" and it should all be

Another thing to note: there are a few prerequisites (libelf, openssl headers) for sxcpu and you would have to install them for it to build successfully if you are on a vanilla debian/ubuntu system.

I don't think this is necessary. Perceus manages the init scripts for most distributions properly.
This will start the perceus daemons,
including the dnsmasq which provides dhcp for the slave nodes.  No
other dhcp server can run, but this one can be configured to provide
other network configuration for additional NICs.

Yes, this works fine in most cases. And dnsmasq is pretty customizable at that.

Unless you have special needs like having all the compute nodes accessible directly from a public network (yes i have heard that before!), it should work for you.

Rather than doing this manually, it's recommended to put the tarball in the right place within Perceus and then make -C 3rd_party/ xcpu to generate a new xcpufs. Perceus applies its own static libs patch to sxcpu and you don't have to worry about the multilib path.

cp /usr/local/src/sxcpu/xcpufs/xcpufs.static

and on reboot the nodes will pick up the latest and greatest xcpufs.

After this you can do, for example:

xgroupset add -a -u
xuserset add -a -u

in order to add all the groups and all the users to the permitted user
list on the nodes.  You can then run anything on the nodes, e.g. "xrx
-a date".

Needless to say, this requires that the "statfs" daemon be running.
You can verify this with the "xstat" command (see the configuration
instructions for this above).

Now, I don't know anything about IB, mainly because I have never had
access to an IB-connected cluster.  I have no idea if perceus can
manage pxe booting over IB, but I suspect that if you have IP over IB
then it should, for all intents and purposes, look like just another
network interface to it (I could be utterly wrong on this, of

gPXE does have a working IB subsystem but I am not sure what network cards do they support.

However, if you need to configure a second interface, say for access
to a fileserver on a separate network, then all you need to do is
change the /etc/perceus/dnsmasq.conf and define the machines in there.
 Again, for static IP addresses on the second interface they need to
be defined in /etc/hosts.  Let me know if you would like details on
how I did this.  I then mounted my fileserver on the compute nodes by
modifying the perceus xcpu startup script in
/etc/perceus/nodescripts/init/all/05-xcpu.sh, so that the node gets a
mount point and executes the nfs mount.

Please let me know if/how this works for you.  I hope it is complete...
Best regards,

p.s. Please feel free to modify this blurb and add it to the xcpu
installation instructions.  Greg from the perceus group is extremely
helpful with any perceus issues.

Yes, I will use this for the instructions on the wiki. Thanks.

 -- Abhishek


Daniel Gruner

Dec 13, 2008, 11:36:10 PM12/13/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the corrections! I too have some comments inline...

On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Abhishek Kulkarni <abby...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Excellent write-up, Daniel. I am adding some of my comments and/or
> suggestions inline.
> I am trying to detail most of these steps in the wiki guide for xcpu. I will
> take note of some of the points that you have made.
> Thanks.
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Daniel Gruner <dgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok, here we go...
>> I start from an almost vanilla RHEL5.2 machine, except for the kernel.
>> RHEL does not provide the 9p modules, so rather than trying to
>> recompile their kernel I just got the 2.6.26 kernel from kernel.org.
>> This allows me to build sxcpu right out of the box.
> sxcpu does not need any kernel modules at all. xcpu2 uses the 9p and 9pnet
> modules to mount the head node file system. You can also build the 9p
> modules for a RHEL kernel.

I guess way back, when I started with perceus, I was still trying to
use xcpu2, hence the need for a different kernel with 9p support.
Then we realized that perceus includes sxcpu out of the box, so I went
back to that. xcpu2 is still enticing, but I am not very comfortable
with it - yet. Perhaps when the writeup is done and it can be
explained in more detail, including its benefits and pitfalls, I'll go
to it.

I just though it would be good to mention it. I do not remember if
perceus did this automatically or not...

>> This will start the perceus daemons,
>> including the dnsmasq which provides dhcp for the slave nodes. No
>> other dhcp server can run, but this one can be configured to provide
>> other network configuration for additional NICs.
> Yes, this works fine in most cases. And dnsmasq is pretty customizable at
> that.
> http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html
> Unless you have special needs like having all the compute nodes accessible
> directly from a public network (yes i have heard that before!), it should
> work for you.

Ugg! I believe in compute nodes needing an external fileserver, but
not in direct access to the nodes from the outside.

Ok this is a good idea. I didn't know where perceus expected this.
Looking at the makefile in the 3rd_party directory of perceus it seems
that one needs to possibly change it to correspond to whatever version
of sxcpu one provides. Should not be a big problem.

Great! Is the wiki available for perusing yet?


Abhishek Kulkarni

Dec 14, 2008, 10:05:15 AM12/14/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com

Not yet. But let me know if you want to help in expanding some sections, and I'll set up wiki access for you.


Roger Mason

Dec 15, 2008, 1:28:39 PM12/15/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com

"Abhishek Kulkarni" <abby...@gmail.com> writes:

> Rather than doing this manually, it's recommended to put the tarball in
> the right place within Perceus and then make -C 3rd_party/ xcpu to
> generate a new xcpufs. Perceus applies its own static libs patch to
> sxcpu and you don't have to worry about the multilib path.
> cp /usr/local/src/sxcpu/xcpufs/xcpufs.static
> /usr/local/var/lib/perceus/modules/xcpu/xcpufs
> and on reboot the nodes will pick up the latest and greatest xcpufs.

I built and installed sxcpu (from svn). I built and installed perceus. Now must
I make a _tarball_ of the compiled(?) sxcpu and put it in
perceus-1.4.4/3rd_party? or should I run make clean in sxcpu before
moving it to perceus-1.4.4/3rd_party/? Should I untar sxcpu before
running make -C 3rd_party/ xcpu? I'm asking because I tried all this
and make -C ... does nothing.

I also tried doing this in the way suggested by Daniel and my test
node would not boot:

Starting XCPU daemon
Segmentation fault

(and then more stuff I won't bore you with).

If anyone has the patience to help me I thank you most heartily.


Abhishek Kulkarni

Dec 15, 2008, 2:16:22 PM12/15/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Roger Mason <rma...@esd.mun.ca> wrote:


"Abhishek Kulkarni" <abby...@gmail.com> writes:

>    Rather than doing this manually, it's recommended to put the tarball in
>    the right place within Perceus and then make -C 3rd_party/ xcpu to
>    generate a new xcpufs. Perceus applies its own static libs patch to
>    sxcpu and you don't have to worry about the multilib path.
>      cp /usr/local/src/sxcpu/xcpufs/xcpufs.static
>      /usr/local/var/lib/perceus/modules/xcpu/xcpufs
>      and on reboot the nodes will pick up the latest and greatest xcpufs.

I built and installed sxcpu (from svn).  I built and installed perceus.  Now must
I make a _tarball_ of the compiled(?) sxcpu and put it in
perceus-1.4.4/3rd_party? or should I run make clean in sxcpu before
moving it to perceus-1.4.4/3rd_party/? Should I untar sxcpu before
running make -C 3rd_party/ xcpu?  I'm asking because I tried all this
and make -C ... does nothing.


Did you try the version (sxcpu r715) already included in Perceus? Does it not work for you?

If you want to try the trunk yourself, make a sxcpu tarball (or download one from here - http://xcpu.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xcpu/sxcpu/trunk.tar.gz?view=tar)
Rename it to how Perceus likes to see it, and do the necessary changes in 3rd_party/Makefile.in. You will also have to update the sxcpu patch in 3rd_party/patches/ . Perceus will untar, build and install it in the initramfs.

I also tried doing this in the way suggested by Daniel and my test
node would not boot:

Starting XCPU daemon
Segmentation fault

Make sure the xcpufs executable is built statically, and that it does not have any dependencies whatsoever.

Roger Mason

Dec 15, 2008, 3:00:25 PM12/15/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
Hi Abhishek,

"Abhishek Kulkarni" <abby...@gmail.com> writes:

> Roger,
> Did you try the version (sxcpu r715) already included in Perceus? Does
> it not work for you?
> If you want to try the trunk yourself, make a sxcpu tarball (or
> download one from here -
> http://xcpu.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xcpu/sxcpu/trunk.tar.gz?view=tar
> )
> Rename it to how Perceus likes to see it, and do the necessary changes
> in 3rd_party/Makefile.in. You will also have to update the sxcpu patch
> in 3rd_party/patches/ . Perceus will untar, build and install it in the
> initramfs.

OK, I'll use the version from perceus, at least for a start.


Roger Mason

Dec 15, 2008, 3:48:58 PM12/15/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com
"Abhishek Kulkarni" <abby...@gmail.com> writes:

> Did you try the version (sxcpu r715) already included in Perceus? Does
> it not work for you?

I'm trying it now but it fails because it seems to be trying to start
the xcpu daemon twice. It goes into an endless loop of booting -


Roger Mason

Dec 15, 2008, 4:07:50 PM12/15/08
to xc...@googlegroups.com

Managed to get one node up after tracking down crud from stale

I'll continue tomorrow.



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