xCDAT v0.6.0 Released!

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Vo, Tom

Oct 10, 2023, 7:02:23 PM10/10/23
to xc...@googlegroups.com

Hi xCDAT Users,


v0.6.0 was just released today! The xCDAT team highly recommends using this version because it contains new features and bug fixes.


Thank you to all of the usability testers who helped us by trying out v0.6.0rc1. We appreciate everyone who opened up GitHub issues and discussions. Please don’t hesitate to get involved through our GitHub repo!



  • https://xcdat.readthedocs.io/en/stable/history.html
  • This minor version update consists of new features including vertical regridding (extension of xgcm), functions for producing accurate time bounds, and improving the usability of the create_grid API. It also includes bug fixes to preserve attributes when using regrid2 horizontal regridder and fixing multi-file datasets spatial average orientation and weights when lon bounds span prime meridian.

Other Resources:




Tom Vo

Software Engineer

GS-CAD Life and Climate Science Group

E3SM (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) Project

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