xblite release 17

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Nov 20, 2014, 9:25:16 AM11/20/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi D.,

Please find attached XBLite_Release_17.zip.

It contains Release 17 of xblite.x: a pre-release of xblite compiling Unicode.
Please note that it still does not support Unicode.

The following sources are modified:
- xblibcc.asm:  STRING concatenate routine
- xst.x      : new STRING types + BOM codes
- xst.dec    : to replace the xst.dec generated by xst.x's compilation (maintenance comments)
- xsx.x      : added XstUnicodeLen(), XstGetFileBOM()
- xsed.x     : better HTML generation
- xblite.x   : source formated for a bulk-change

I'm not quite ready to offer a beta version of Unicode compilation
but I would prefer to work from a stable pre-release as I'm planning
to port xblite.x thru a global code substitution.

I'm sending you this release because as an anticipation to
the Unicode implementation. Anyway, release 16 dating back
to 2010, I believe that a (release + 1) in 2014 will show
to our User base that XBLite is still in development.

Best regards,
Guy Lonne
xblite rel 17.zip


Nov 22, 2014, 8:40:01 PM11/22/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
This is exciting Guy, it is great to see that xblite is progressing!


Chad Wilson

Nov 22, 2014, 9:36:00 PM11/22/14
to xblite
Congrats on the latest release.  It may not make you rich in economics, but I hope the XBlite project makes you happy.


Jo S.

Dec 2, 2014, 9:24:53 AM12/2/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
great, if possible have a look at the new glfw version 3, it was changed completely, and without examples it's impossible (for me) to charge ... if possible, obviously, and thanks anyway for the great work!

2014-11-23 3:35 GMT+01:00 Chad Wilson <chadr...@gmail.com>:
Congrats on the latest release.  It may not make you rich in economics, but I hope the XBlite project makes you happy.


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Dec 10, 2014, 8:17:34 PM12/10/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Greg.

Actually, I borrowed a lot from a previous Unicode version that you sent me some 3 years ago (thanks for it).

Bye! Guy


Dec 15, 2014, 4:54:06 PM12/15/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Xbliters,

I need your input to test a Unicode support pre-release. All changed sources are in the attached file "xblite release 7.zip".

Dr Morphy says: "Make a backup copy of your C:\xblite directory because resetting your XBLite workbench is bound to go from bad to catastrophic!"

I suggest that you copy "C:\xblite" to "C:\xblite_old" before rebuilding a new C:\xblite.

Then,recompile all your own programs and check that this new release does not break anything.
Please, try to make me a full report on anything that smells fishy: XBLite source, expected results compared to the broken results.

I'm new to this compiler business and I hope that this pre-release will teach me valuable lessons.
Thank you for your cooperation, I'll sure can use your feedback.

Bye! Guy.
xblite release 7.zip


Dec 16, 2014, 4:06:19 PM12/16/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi D.

Sorry to say this but I can't re-build xbl_s.* and xsx_s.*.

I'm loosing the output of buildlib .\xst.x and buildlib .\xsx.x.
Could you tell me what goes wrong with the following batch?

Thanks in advance.
Bye! Guy

SET XBLDIR=C:\xblite

ECHO build xbl.dll

copy .\xst.x .\bak\

rem clean up before re-building
del .\out.txt
del .\xst_static.x
del .\xbl.dll
del .\xbl.exp
del .\xbl.lib

del .\xst.mak
del .\xst.asm
del .\xst.bat
del .\xst.dec
del .\xst.def
del .\xst.obj

del .\xst_s.dec
del .\xst_s.lib

ECHO build the dll

ECHO Y | xblite .\xst.x -lib > .\out.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto error

copy .\bak\makexbdll.mak .\
xmake -f .\makexbdll.mak
if errorlevel 1 goto error

copy .\xst.dec %INCLUDE%\
copy .\xbl.lib %LIB%\
copy .\xbl.dll %XBLDIR%\bin\
copy .\xbl.dll %XBLDIR%\programs\

ECHO build the static library

del %INCLUDE%\xst_s.dec
del %LIB%\xst_s.lib

buildlib .\xst.x .\makexbdll.mak > .\out.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto error

rmdir static

copy %INCLUDE%\xst_s.dec .\
copy %LIB%\xst_s.lib .\

goto finished

David Szafranski

Dec 16, 2014, 4:36:01 PM12/16/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com

This is what is done in buildallstatic.bat-

call buildlib %XBLDIR%\src\xbdll\xst.x
call rmdir  %XBLDIR%\src\xbdll\static


Guy Lonne

Dec 16, 2014, 5:24:28 PM12/16/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi D.

Thank you for your prompt anwer.

I changed:

    buildlib .\xst.x .\makexbdll.mak > .\out.txt

    call buildlib .\xst.x > .\out.txt

and it seems to work like a charm...
Case solved!

Bye! Guy


Dec 16, 2014, 10:29:43 PM12/16/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Vixeners,

I just uploaded a version of viXen that uses XBLite release 17.
The installer (vixen_setup_v1_99u.exe or vixen_setup_v1_99u_Windows7.exe) will overwrite:
- C:\xblite\programs\xbl.dll
- C:\xblite\programs\xio.dll

In case you experience problems, you can restore xbl.dll and xsx.dll from your C:\xblite\bin.

I am very interested in any feedback from this new version of viXen, good or bad, Windows or Wine.

I am planning to install a linux distribution on my old thinkpad from last century and even last millenium (I thought I'd never say that !-)
but I can't test-drive viXen on Wine at this time. For now on, I do count on your feedback for it.

I made some progress for Unicode support, but it is important that I start from a stable release 17 of XBLite.
A program like viXen should pinpoint regressions caused by evolutions on D.'s release 16.

Bye! Guy


Dec 18, 2014, 11:28:18 AM12/18/14
to xbl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Xbliters,

Since it is by tradition a time for resolutions, one of mine is to have XBLite support UTF-16 LE code generation by 2015's year-end.

Since 2008, I have been working on understanding how Windows handles Unicode. I believe that,at this point, I know enough to handle the areas of:
- Wide-character WinAPI
- File formats UTF-8, UTF-16 LE (Windows' native Unicode)
- Conversions between ASCII and Unicode

As a proof of concept, a successful port of Xsed to Wide-characters' support would be the visible part of the iceberg, except that we have to replace our good old ASCII Scintilla custom control with a Unicode-friendly big brother, if available for download.

Here are some of the design decisions I made:
1.To ensure backwards compatibility, the $$STRING type (value of 19) will represent the legacy ASCII type (character size = 1 byte).

2.I added 2 new string types: $$ASCII (= 20) and $$UTF16_LE (= 21).
- $$ASCII is a misnomer as $$UTF8 is more appropriate in the eyes of Purists, but not to my eyes; however, would the majority of the Xbilters settles for $$UTF8, I'll be glad to oblige and can can $$ASCII (“Oh yes, I can can!”).
- $$UTF16_LE is, rather than $$UNICODE, is my preferred choice as Windows' native Unicode is fully defined as UTF-16 LE (Little Endian).

3.The character size of an ASCII string is 1 byte (8 bits), when the character size of a UTF-16 LE string is 2 bytes (16 bits), with the following consequence: the ASCII null terminator is '\0', the UTF-16 LE null terminator is “\0\0”.

- allocated UTF-16 LE strings must have a “\0\0” terminator
- SIZE(strW$) = 2 * LEN(strW$), because SIZE(strW$) returns always a number of bytes
- headW$ + tailW$ is done ASCII and does not strip the first zero byte of “\0\0”

These are 3 main issues that must be carefully addressed.

Bye! Guy

Guy Lonne

Oct 31, 2015, 9:31:28 PM10/31/15
to xbl...@googlegroups.com, D.
Hi Greg.

How are you doing? I hope that everything is fine even though you're no
longer in the bush...

Forgive me for contacting you, but I'm a little concerned from D.'s
silence lately.

I sent him several e-mails and I didn't get any answer from David.

I don't know if you have a better way to contact David, but I'd really
appreciate if you could try too.
Maybe, you'll be luckier than myself.

Hoping that D. is just vacationing AFK.

Best regards!

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