Hi Alan,
Yes, icon has been changed to xblite_icon.ico. I think if this problem occurs, just delete the associated .rc file and gorc will create a new one.
Sorry for the missing glfw.lib file, not sure how that one disappeared. Thanks for pointing that out.
Also, I noticed something in building DrawHilbert using -go that prevented the window from displaying. I found that
the compiler does not like the underscore in the windows classname when using -go switch (I had a ton of issues with
underscore prefix in function names). The culprit was this section of template code:
IF INSTR(className$, " ") THEN'
XstReplace (@className$, " ", "_", 0)
The className$ was "Draw Hilbert" so the result after the above code was "Draw_Hilbert".
I am pretty sure classname string can have space characters, so just comment out the above code, and then it compiles
and runs fine with the -go command switch.
Let me know if you find any other issues with -go since I have not really tested it very much.