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xblite v. 2.42 and new hosting site for xblite

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Nov 3, 2020, 7:58:48 PM11/3/20
to xblite
With a lot of free time lately, I have put together an updated version of xblite - v 2.42.

Mostly it is things that have been in process for several years but never updated
into a new version.

One thing that is new and interesting is the ablility in this version to use only go tools
to build your project; goasm, gorc, and golink all work together so it is no longer required
to use any MS tools such as link.  The use of golink enables us to call DLL functions without
needing to include any LIB files. Use the xblite compiler directive -go (this requires the use of goxbl.dll)

The new version is in the form of a self-installing file created with inno script studio. This makes the
installation process much easier.

The installation file for v 2.42 can be downloaded from the xblite google site here:

(Ignore the verified publisher warning during the installation process, I will try to fix that soon)



Nov 7, 2020, 11:37:38 AM11/7/20
to xblite
Pretty cool David!


Nov 7, 2020, 12:16:20 PM11/7/20
to xblite
Got redirects for both files.  Highlighted redirect address and right clicked and selected go to.  The setup file downloaded.  The .zip file did not - showed error of too many requests.

I assume .zip is source?

Thanks for update.  I'll give it a try.

David Garner


Nov 7, 2020, 7:09:25 PM11/7/20
to xblite
Hi D.,

Thanks for this. Nice to see you active on Xblite again!

I could not download either the setup executable or the zip file using the Chrome browser as it blocks them as dangerous downloads. This is a fairly new development in the latest version of Chrome which has tightened up on downloads a lot. I downloaded Ok using Edge.

The installation was fine with no problems.

 When compiling DrawHilbert with the -go option I got a message from gorc that it could not find Scrabble.ico but it was fine with the standard option. It seems Scrabble.ico has been renamed xblite_icon.ico?

When compiling a glfw demo it failed because the linker could not find glfw.lib which is missing form the lib folder. I copied it in from the previous version and all was OK

I will try more in due course and let you know if there are any more problems.




Nov 7, 2020, 9:10:37 PM11/7/20
to xblite
.zip file is complete package in zip form (but takes much longer to download)


Nov 7, 2020, 9:24:37 PM11/7/20
to xblite
Hi Alan,

Yes, icon has been changed to xblite_icon.ico. I think if this problem occurs, just delete the associated .rc file and gorc will create a new one. 

Sorry for the missing glfw.lib file, not sure how that one disappeared. Thanks for pointing that out.

Also, I noticed something in building DrawHilbert using -go that prevented the window from displaying. I found that
the compiler does not like the underscore in the windows classname when using -go switch (I had a ton of issues with
underscore prefix in function names). The culprit was this section of template code:

  IF INSTR(className$, " ") THEN'       
      XstReplace (@className$, " ", "_", 0)

The className$ was "Draw Hilbert" so the result after the above code was "Draw_Hilbert".
I am pretty sure classname string can have space characters, so just comment out the above code, and then it compiles
and runs fine with the -go command switch.

Let me know if you find any other issues with -go since I have not really tested it very much.



Nov 13, 2020, 2:21:13 PM11/13/20
to xblite
Hi D.

A few more observations about the latest version:

1. The .zip file does not contain any source code or files.

2. The \lib directory does not contain quartz.lib. riched20.lib, tga.lib, xCheetah.lib or xodbc.lib which were present before. I do not know if they are required or used.

3. It does have xmal, unc and turtle and the corresponding .dll and .dec files are also present. These are packages that I wrote in the distant past and are not a part of the core distribution so should probably be removed. If you want to make them available I can supply the source and a help file for a separate package.



Vic Drastik

Dec 11, 2020, 6:53:04 AM12/11/20

Where is the complete source for v 2.42, including libraries like Xst and Xma?


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