Hi All
I have been running a much older version of Xataface for many years and am being forced to upgrade due to PHP7 being rolled out on our webserver.... but I am having real problems.
Rather than copying and trying to update, I thought I would do a new installation and start from scratch again... but;
I have downloaded the latest version from Github (xataface-master) and exctracted that into /var/www/website/html/xataface/
I created a conf.ini file in /var/www/website/html/ which looks like this;
;; This section lists the tables to include in your application menu
I created the index.php file in /var/www/website/html/
// Include the Xataface API
require_once 'xataface/dataface-public-api.php';
// Initialize Xataface framework
df_init(__FILE__, 'xataface')->display();
// first parameter is always the same (path to the current script)
// 2nd parameter is relative URL to xataface directory (used for CSS files and javascripts
All the tutorials say to create the templaces_c folder in /var/www/website/html/xataface/ which I did and set permissions to 777. After doing this I ran /var/www/website/html/xataface/dataface_info.php and got the reply -
Installation status INSTALLED CORRECTLY
Templates Dir /var/www/website/html/xataface/Dataface/templates
Templates Compile Dir /var/www/website/html/xataface/Dataface/templates_c
However when I visit /var/www/website/html/index.php I get the following error...
As of Xataface 1.3 all applications are now required to have its own templates_c directory to house its compiled templates. Please create the directory "/var/www/website/html/templates_c" and ensure that it is writable by the web server.
Not sure why this is, but I created templaces_c folder in /var/www/website/html/ and set permissions to 777... afterwhich when I visit /var/www/website/html/index.php I now just get a blank page.
So after tinkering with the above for several hours I thought I would try to use the installer... when I tried visiting /var/www/website/html/xataface/installer.php I correctly get the following error message:
The installer is currently disabled. To enable it, please rename the 'installer.disabled' file to 'installer.enabled'. You can find this file inside the root xataface directory.
So, I changed /var/www/website/html/xataface/installer.disabled to /var/www/website/html/xataface/installer.enabled and visited /var/www/website/html/xataface/installer.php... but get a blank page again.
Out of desparation I tried ./makesite shell script from the command line (./makesite ../website check4me:<password>@localhost/distcheck /xataface) and get an error saying "./makesite: command not found"
So as you can imagine I am now desperate having tried the manual method, automated method and command line all to no avail.
The only thing I have done which isnt in the installation wiki is, as per various sources I found on line, added driver=mysqli into the [_database] section of my conf.ini file!
Is anyone able to help as I am at a loss now and have exhausted all my knowledge trying to get this to work.
Thanks in advance