Xarray User Forum @ Dask Distributed Summit 2021

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Deepak Cherian

May 13, 2021, 9:30:46 PM5/13/21
to xar...@googlegroups.com

Please join us for the 2021 Xarray User Forum at the Dask Distributed Summit on May 21, 4pm - 6pm UTC / 12pm - 2pm US/Eastern. This interdisciplinary event will bring together Xarray users from different scientific domains and Xarray developers.

The highlight of this forum will be presentations and discussions on (1) Xarray+Dask user stories from non-geoscience domains (2) updates on new and upcoming features of Xarray.

For the full program, and the list of speakers, please see

You can register for the Dask Distributed Summit at: https://summit.dask.org/tickets/

- Xarray core team

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