Release 0.17.0

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Maximilian Roos

Feb 26, 2021, 9:57:42 PM2/26/21
v0.17.0 is out!

This release brings a few important performance improvements, a wide range of usability upgrades, lots of bug fixes, and some new features. These include better cftime support, a new quiver plot, better unstack performance, more efficient memory use in rolling operations, and some python packaging improvements. We also have a few documentation improvements (and more planned!).

Many thanks to the 36 contributors to this release: 

Alessandro Amici, Anderson Banihirwe, Aureliana Barghini, Ayrton Bourn, Benjamin Bean, Blair Bonnett, Chun Ho Chow, DWesl, Daniel Mesejo-León, Deepak Cherian, Eric Keenan, Illviljan, Jens Hedegaard Nielsen, Jody Klymak, Julien Seguinot, Julius Busecke, Kai Mühlbauer, Leif Denby, Martin Durant, Mathias Hauser, Maximilian Roos, Michael Mann, Ray Bell, RichardScottOZ, Spencer Clark, Tim Gates, Tom Nicholas, Yunus Sevinchan, alexamici, aurghs, crusaderky, dcherian, ghislainp, keewis, rhkleijn

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