IndexConfigurations with eight metric tensors

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Alejandro Guarnizo Trilleras

Feb 2, 2017, 1:23:38 AM2/2/17
to xAct Tensor Computer Algebra
Hi all,

I'm trying now to find a Lagrangian coupling a scalar and a vector field (derivatives of them). Strictly speaking, toy should consider all possible contractions between these blocks and metric tensor. When doing that,is necessary to evaluate all possible combinations of eight metric tensors, that is:

       Contr8gb = IndexConfigurations[gb[a, b] gb[c, d] gb[e, f] gb[g, h] gb[μ, ν] gb[α, β] gb[ρ, σ] gb[γ, δ]];

But it seems this is computer demanding (I tried to run it in a simple machine four cores) and it took several hours to do that without finishing. I'm wondering if maybe ther eis a shortcut to do that, ir is just matter of power computing Thanks a lot!

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