FullSimplification (like Simplification and ToCanonical and other xAct functions) can change the names of the dummy indices during computation. Therefore if you use a rule with particular dummy indices then it will not work after the renamings. For this to work you need to use pattern indices.
The function MakeRule can convert indices into patterns in simple situations. It will try to also take metric factors and symmetries into account, and the combinatorics can get complicated (as in your case with 12 indices and highly symmetric tensors). You can get a rule with no symmetry considerations using UseSymmetries -> False, or with no metric considerations with MetricOn -> None. For instance try:
iden1 = MakeRule[{
epsilong[-\[Beta], -\[Delta], -\[Epsilon], -\[Zeta]]
RiemannCD[-\[Alpha], -\[Gamma], \[Epsilon], \[Zeta]]
RiemannCD[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Delta]],
1/2 epsilong[-\[Gamma], -\[Delta], -\[Epsilon], -\[Zeta]]
RiemannCD[-\[Alpha], -\[Beta], \[Epsilon], \[Zeta]]
RiemannCD[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Delta]]},
UseSymmetries -> False, MetricOn -> None]
and this will work for the case you need.
In general one needs to use the commands IndexRule and IndexRuleDelayed to construct arbitrary rules with index replacements. For example in your case it would be
iden1 = IndexRule[
epsilong[-\[Beta]_, -\[Delta]_, -\[Epsilon]_, -\[Zeta]_]*
RiemannCD[-\[Alpha]_, -\[Gamma]_, \[Epsilon]_, \[Zeta]_]*
RiemannCD[\[Alpha]_, \[Beta]_, \[Gamma]_, \[Delta]_],
(epsilong[-\[Gamma], -\[Delta], -\[Epsilon], -\[Zeta]]*
RiemannCD[-\[Alpha], -\[Beta], \[Epsilon], \[Zeta]]*
RiemannCD[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Delta]])/2]
Note all the _ patterns on the LHS that I added manually. This are automatically added for you by MakeRule.