Error Unable to Add Record Key

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Benjamin Mitchell

Aug 24, 2015, 6:35:55 PM8/24/15
to X12 Parser
Getting the following error when trying to port 835 files to MSSQL DB:

Error Unable to Add Record Key=008222283-0001
- Database Parser : 2015.08.24 15:34:37
Table 1 - qadbt1
Connection :         1

Lynn Brian

Aug 25, 2015, 7:24:33 AM8/25/15
to X12 Parser

Which version of MS SQL are you working with? Here is a link to the
documentation for setting up MS SQL 2012:

Are you able to connect up to the database properly? Have you been able to
add any records at all?

Lynn Brian

Benjamin Mitchell

Aug 25, 2015, 4:57:00 PM8/25/15
to X12 Parser
Hello Lynn,

Version is MSSQL 2008R2. I am able to connect to the database and generate the tables. When a click the begin button to import the 835 file that is the error I receive in the parser log several times and no data is loaded into the table.

Thank you,
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