CMS side-by-side comparison documents

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Com1 Software

Oct 24, 2011, 4:35:40 PM10/24/11
to X12 Parser
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is underway with
implementation activities to convert from Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC)
X12 version 4010A1 to ASC X12 version 5010 and National Council for
Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) version 5.1 to NCPDP version D.0.

CMS is making the side-by-side comparison documents available to
interested parties without guarantee and without cost. The documents
are available for download in both Microsoft Excel and PDF formats.
The comparisons were performed for Medicare Fee-for-Service business
use and while they may serve other uses, CMS does not offer to
maintain for purposes other than Medicare Fee-for-Service. Maintenance
will be performed without notification, as needed to support Medicare

Here is a link to the documentation.
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