Any interest in pursuing an ElaNa launch for a 1U Pumpkin cubesat?

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Lizeth Norman

Aug 7, 2015, 11:30:48 PM8/7/15
End game is a ham radio satellite. Single channel FM. Initial
operational life (I.E. 6-12 months) is the experiment with data
download/command up monopolizing the power budget.

Total off the shelf purchase for most of the bird. Radio, 1U kit,
solar cells. Some modules will have to be designed and fabbed.

I'm willing to buy 3 1U kits and 2 radios.

The experiment is the ride to orbit. NASA provides these free (ElaNa).
The cost is having a worthy idea and the team to bring it to fruition.

I live in Ocala and am absolutely bored. Don't play with horses or
chase a ball around a course.

Norm n3ykf
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