Re: BILOC Project

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Charles Suleskey

Jun 8, 2015, 1:27:10 PM6/8/15
Guillaume Guist'hau,

I am afraid you have mistaken our email group for a different group, perhaps Google X or another X labs. 

Good luck,


On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 5:57 AM, G. Biloc <> wrote:

Sorry for the Google translation...

Since there is no one but a thousand ways to explore new directions, I would like to make my modest contribution in this quest for knowledge which as I see it, it is no not necessarily need to possess solid scientific baggage. Because where I project myself unlike many countries that I have had the chance to go backpacking for over 20 years as part of my profession photographe- speaker, luggage usually are prohibited as is the physical body too, since only awareness trip.
So hold on tight, because we go to our own encounter by venturing beyond the limits of the physical body !

But before leaving the mainland, some explanations are necessary but if you have not already won ... It is question of this altered state of consciousness also known as disembodiment, astral travel, dissociation, bilocation, ubiquity, experience out of the body (EHC) experienced at all times and in all places, all beliefs and non-beliefs confused. Bilocation that I experience since my teens, a few years after cardiac malfunction which resulted in a near-death experience (NDE) "lived" at the age of 8 years. An experience in which my grandfather (deceased a year earlier) indicated that my time had not come yet and I wanted my body back, an experience etched forever in my memory and I will talk much later for fear of ridicule and misunderstanding.

These phenomena too long shunned, ignored or ridiculed by the scientific community, are now increasingly taken seriously and investigated on all continents over increasing numbers of cases and their similarities, resuscitation progress in having almost trivialized this experiment to come back to life after a few minutes yet declared clinically dead. But the work does offer an understanding of the psychological and neurological mechanisms involved, which do not explain in any case the possible interaction with the real environment that I have experienced twice, or even the collection of information in this "second" state.
It is these gaps very modestly and my degree, I aspire to bridge making the most of this altered state of consciousness that I have partially mastered after my NDE, being convinced that many questions will be answered in favor the greatest number. For if each of us could revive this hidden from consciousness, we would exceed doubtless all these fears that hinder us and divide us so that humanity can finally be written in uppercase. All this may seem preposterous and yet ... I am neither a visionary nor a fantasist or addicted to any drug whatsoever and it is not either a new scam on the Web. I have a family life that fills me everyday and professional activity that allows me to develop broad walk along the historical world, while presenting to the public my sensory travel stories for 21 years.

Therefore remains to take the step that leads to sensory extrasensory. For the record, I addressed among others (and I would avoid you the short list of refusal, facing the long list unanswered) to IANDS-France (International Association for the Study of the states close to death) and neurophysiologist offered to perform the experiments in their laboratory. But to ensure my integrity and its chances of success in the project, I would carry this stage almost independently, otherwise you would not be reading me my own research and experimentation as an autodidact and experiencer. I also try not to be limited by the scientific part of the time, which is not incompatible with a rational and objective approach using a rigorous protocol. Also I do not feel the soul of a lab rat, because I have been guinea pigs in my youth and I do not wish to repeat the experience ...
Probably be reproached want to be judge and jury, but I have no illusions about human nature in the present state of things and his extraordinary ability to make me turn away all in the name of some individual interests, as it is a necessary evil at this point in the interest of the greatest number.

So why take the risk of exposing myself (probably ridiculous) after 34 years of silence? Because I have unfortunately not for this project the financial means of my ambitions go far beyond my simple personal interests, but especially that we do not have to face the look of our children or grandchildren, when they criticize us the uselessness or the superficiality of our selfish actions.
To carry the closely as possible the BILOC project and prove what I say, I have to make 2 types of investments that exceed by far my possibilities:

1 - Design and manufacture of an experimental prototype of type "flotation tank and electromagnetic" according to a method of my own. In a few words, this prototype will allow me to perform, this time in a controlled manner, reproducible and verifiable EHC or bilocation and interact with the real environment while collecting information there (which I've been able to achieve at least twice with supporting evidence, otherwise I will not go into this adventure ). Subsequently, this prototype could allow everyone to experience EHC.

2 - Equipment and control equipment: EEG machine (electroencephalograph), device synchronization of brain waves, thermal camera, measuring device and detection of electromagnetic fields, etc.

This project seeks to demonstrate the existence of a form of "tangible consciousness" independent of the physical shell, which arise from the more profound implications. These include for example the acquisition and storage of information, optimization of natural abilities, increased development of empathy for all life and a different idea of ​​life (and consequently death). I see this as an opportunity to finally reconcile us with ourselves, but also with this environment that we trample without really doubt that without him, we are and will be nothing.
So I look for the improbable; a visionary, a daring that will fill my gaps by supporting me financially because I have to free myself of my activity in order to devote most of my time to this research and experimentation.

Question not of belief but of intuition, experience, confidence and boldness. Hoping that the coming years will finally announce under the sign of a paradigm shift.

Kind regards,

Guillaume Guist'hau
Independant Traveler-Lecturer

PHOTOGLOBE - reportages sensoriels
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