KF6GTX is active again

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Dave Bell

Nov 22, 2020, 5:14:57 PM11/22/20
to wxqc

My Davis station died over a year ago, but I have a new WeatherFlow Tempest in its place now.

But I don't know what to do to get myself off of the "inactive" list here:

Dave Bell

Don Curtis

Nov 22, 2020, 6:01:44 PM11/22/20
to Dave Bell, wxqc
If you will notice in the link you posted, the way to reactivate your station is to send an email to 

In fact, just clicking on the link would have opened up your email program with a blank message for you to advise them. 

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Edith Thornburg

Apr 2, 2021, 7:56:51 PM4/2/21
to wxqc
Hi! My computer is dying a slow death. I am moving to a new one but want to still use WUHU. I was wondering if anyone knows how/where I can download it? All the links I have tried no longer work.
If you know of any other free programs that are similar, but newer/updated, I might be interested in that instead.
This is just a hobby for me and I don't have as much time or money to dedicate to it as I used to :(

Virus-free. www.avg.com


Apr 3, 2021, 1:04:43 PM4/3/21
to wxqc

It seems the WUHU project has been abandoned.  I put the most recent (Feb 2015) release here:

Edith Thornburg

Sep 23, 2024, 11:29:06 AM9/23/24
to geo....@comcast.net, wxqc
Me again :(
I keep trying to run WUHU, but the serial driver (talking from memory here - it's been a while since I've been at my computer) keeps not being available. I am running the Davis Weatherlink (I think- not the wireless version) as a stopgap, but it does not transmit to all the places that WUHu does. Are there any other options out there?
suggestions for getting the serial bridge thingy working again?


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As Oscar Wilde said: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

Edith Thornburg

Sep 23, 2024, 11:40:18 AM9/23/24
to wxqc
So, my Davis VP2+ is over 20 years old. I have sent it to Calif. a couple (few?) times to be refurbished. I think it is on it's last legs. The anemometer is not spinning properly. My software is not cooperating. I am looking for suggestions for possibly replacing it, or should I just pack it off to Calif again? The anemometer is at the top of a flagpole to get it over the treeline in my relatively small backyard. There might be a photo at CWOP 
Software that will send to more than just CWOP and weatherunderground?
E 2973
not passing or no data lately :(

Leo Herzog

Sep 23, 2024, 12:08:01 PM9/23/24
to wxqc
Hi Edith!

If you can get your weather station uploading to just CWOP, Wunderground, or Davis Vantage, I have a free piece of software that you could run that lets you forward those measurements to Wunderground, Windy, PWSWeather, Weathercloud, OpenWeatherMap, WindGuru, Met (UK) WOW, and/or CWOP:

John Tollini

Sep 23, 2024, 1:04:12 PM9/23/24
to Leo Herzog, wxqc

Rebuilding the anemometer is easy and inexpensive.  The bearings started sticking. I think it was under $25 for the replacement (on Amazon) but actual OEM parts.

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John Tollini

Sep 23, 2024, 1:25:23 PM9/23/24
to Edith Thornburg, geo....@comcast.net, wxqc
You could go with Weatherbridge from Ambient Weather. That's what I use to upload data from my Davis stations. It's tiny and very low power.


Sep 24, 2024, 12:57:31 AM9/24/24
to Edith Thornburg, wxqc
I’ve had a Vp and now VP2 since shortly moving here - 23 years. The VP was awesome for 15 years. The VP2 since 2018. If I had to choose. What’s less expensive? Send it off to get refurbished again and some how replace the anemometer and wind vane? You can get a refurbishment kit for around $135 that has a brand new anemometer and wind vane. Batteries for the iss pacjkafe of the other sensors. A new VP is at minimum around $6-700 and up depending on the features. What does refurbishing cost? I’ve never done it so have no clue. I gave mine on the top roof of a 2 story house on a 10’ mast. You couldn’t pay me to up there. I got lucky there’s a guy who puts up antennas and other similar stuff.  Costs about $200 to get him out 4 hours. He goes up brings the mast down. I do whatever is needed-he assists as well. When done takes it back up makes sure of the pointing and we’re done for another couple years. That might be an option to have someone bring the wind sensors down some how replacing the cups is a 5 minute job - even both sensors can be done the parts from David are very inexpensive. Drop me an email if you want more info. 

George R. Kasica
Phone: +1 414 732 8503
Fax: +1 206 374 6482
Netwrx Consulting
Jackson, WI USA

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