DW3370 is down due to storm damage

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Judith Murphy

Aug 8, 2023, 8:21:58 AM8/8/23
to wxqc
DW3370 was blown over in high winds yesterday when a guy wire failed during very severe thunderstorms. The station appears to be undamaged, but it will remain offline until we can put it back up and secure it. The power is also out here with no estimate of when it will be restored, so we have very limited internet available to upload the station's data.

Judith Murphy

Aug 9, 2023, 12:07:34 PM8/9/23
to wxqc
The power is back on, we have internet again, and the weather station is back in place and secured. I've spent the morning comparing my readings to four other stations nearby and they seem consistent, so I'm putting the station back online. I'll continue to watch for any issues.
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