I'm trying to get a ListBox to expand horizontally, but it keeps coming out with some undetermined fixed horizontal size. That size might be "the proper minimal size", but there seems to be some extra space on the right edge. See file "listbox_panel_layout.png".
The innermost sizer of 3 is vertical and has a StaticText on top of the Listbox. This sizer is inside the middle horizontal BoxSizer with a button to the right of the ListBox sizer. A 3rd outermost vertical BoxSizer holds everything. This is the desired general layout.
First, I had been playing with this for a while when the button suddenly stopped auto-expanding horizontally and became minimally sized, which is what I wanted all along, but couldn't figure out the proper incantation to specifically do this. Is there some particular parameter that purposefully makes a control "minimally sized" ?
Next, I actually want the ListBox (not the button, of course !) to auto-expand horizontally to take up all the remaining horizontal space in the panel which excludes the minimally-sized button. The wx.EXPAND flag seems to do nothing at all. Does anyone have an idea ?
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Word Processors Suck.
Use some text-based format that can function properly in version control
systems: LaTeX, ReSt, html, plain old text.
But for this, why not just use the Wiki -- that's what it's for!
> Ray
> pascor(at)verizon(dot)net
> On Jul 28, 3:16 pm, Al <alman...@rusnam.org> wrote:
>> On Jul 28, 8:15 am, WinCrazy <pas...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> Great ! I'm converting to OO now. It's very similar to MS Word 2003.
>>> I think it's best that a new thread be started asking for volunteers
>>> after they first round of our own edit/review loop.
>>> Ray
>>> On Jul 27, 4:31 pm, Mike Driscoll <m...@pythonlibrary.org> wrote:
>>>> I can test on Windows XP/7 and Ubuntu. You'll just have to ask on this
>>>> thread for a Mac user to jump in. I know a lot of the others use Linux too,
>>>> so I'm sure that a few of them wouldn't mind helping, especially since they
>>>> won't need to install anything.
>>>> - Mike
>> Ray,
>> Excellent idea! I'll be happy to assist as I've just been through the
>> process of learning how box sizers really work.
>> Also, I don't see any mention of adding stretchers (AddStretchSpacer).
>> I think it's much better to use those than to depend on some other
>> control to be adjustable.
>> Al
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+1 here for using the wiki!
Please read http://wiki.wxpython.org/HelpForUsers, especially the pages
about page formatting, linking, etc.
> Also, how are graphic images inserted ? Do the files go into a wiki
> repository of some kind ? If so, how are they linked/referred to in
> the wiki page ?
Upload the image as an attachment to the page, and then refer to it from
the page text with "{{attachment:filename.png}}"
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman