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I think better is use PayPal, bank transfer is very expensive for non USA/Europe people.
Enviado desde mi LG G4
Yes, we should hear that before anyone starts sending in any money, but for what it's worth, David has been part of this community for a very long time, and I know both Robin and myself have had successful consulting relationships with him. He is quite reliable.
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 6:49 AM, John Fabiani <fabian...@gmail.com> wrote:
If what you are saying is real - would you please have Robin provide an email to the group saying so!
I think better is use PayPal, bank transfer is very expensive for non USA/Europe people.
If Robin is aware wouldn't he just say something like - thanks for the offer guys but I will not have time or some other message?Please don't mis-understand I don't expect that Phoenix will be stable in a day, week, or months. But no response - that's a concern.
To encourage an official first release of Phoenix as soon as can be, it's been suggested we raise a bounty to be paid to Robin when this happens. Going through an online fund raising service would not only be a hassle but they will end up pocketing up to 10% of the cash (e.g. bountysource.com). I have been in touch with Robin about this and he is OK with me coordinating the raising of pledges among ourselves here.
I don't know if it will help to set a target amount but I'm suggesting one of $10,000 US dollars - note, this is a target, not an upper limit <wink>. The good news is that we are already half way there and the pledged total is currently $5,000.
I'd like to know, though, what "an official first release" means. I've asked before on this list about when Phoenix would be ready, and was told that "you can already use it". So for me to feel like there was a substantive difference between that and an "official" release would have to mean that, basically, I can do anything and everything with Phoenix that I can currently do with wxPython on Python 2.
I think the best way of making payments will be by direct transfer to a bank account of Robin's choice, but I'm also able to process debit and credit card payments in Euros, UK pounds and US, Canadian and Australian dollars, although these will incur (credit) card charges and possibly currency exchange costs.
He said "The total of pledges from *this group*", not the total amount pledged across the entire campaign. Presumably the total now stands at $6,300USD.
what about setting a time frame for the bounty? Maybe something like: the bounty decreases by 20% for every month of delay after 31/12/2016 if Phoenix is not already released yet by that date. I know that we are talking about open source sw and not closed source business software with respect to milestones but I would be willing to offer more for a release in an acceptable time horizon
Any updates on this? Any URL to view bounty or pledge activity?