Are there any videos showing how to setup a new planet rss site?

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Joe Rodgers

Apr 14, 2020, 8:18:16 AM4/14/20
to wwwmake
I am new to this and eager to learn. I am running through the install in cmd and deploying new ruby app, and installing all the pluto components but keep getting errors. Is there a video of an install for this?

Gerald Bauer

Apr 14, 2020, 8:22:10 AM4/14/20

Welcome to pluto.

If you use the pluto command line than installation is:

$ gem install pluto

To see if it works - try:

$ pluto help

For more see the official docu online @

Sorry no video or screencast I know of. Good luck. Cheers. Prost.

PS: If you post your github repo with the pluto setup that will help
too if you have any.

Joe Rodgers

Apr 14, 2020, 11:03:48 PM4/14/20
to wwwmake
I am unable to build the initial planet, not sure where I am getting this wrong.

my github repository:

Steps taken:
create repo on GitHub
clone repo with GitHub desktop
navigate to folder on local machine in cmd

$ rails new .
$ gem install sqlite3
$ rails db:create 
$ gem install pluto
$ pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build

Here is the output from the planet build:
d:\GitHub\feedwords>pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build
pluto/1.3.4 on Ruby 2.6.6 (2020-03-31) [x64-mingw32]
[info] db settings:
[info] {:adapter=>"sqlite3", :database=>"./planet.db"}

*** error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - planet.ini

Joe Rodgers

Apr 14, 2020, 11:05:23 PM4/14/20
to wwwmake

On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 10:03:48 PM UTC-5, Joe Rodgers wrote:
I am unable to build the initial planet, not sure where I am getting this wrong.

my github repository:

Steps taken:
create repo on GitHub
clone repo with GitHub desktop
navigate to folder on local machine in cmd

$ rails new .
$ gem install sqlite3
$ rails db:create 
$ gem install pluto
$ pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build

Here is the output from the planet build:
d:\GitHub\feedwords>pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build
pluto/1.3.4 on Ruby 2.6.6 (2020-03-31) [x64-mingw32]
[info] db settings:
[info] {:adapter=>"sqlite3", :database=>"./planet.db"}

*** error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - planet.ini

I should have included the pluto help output:

d:\GitHub\feedwords>pluto help
    pluto - another planet generator (lets you build web pages from published web feeds)

    pluto [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    -c, --config=PATH         - Configuration Path (default:
    --help                    - Show this message
    -q, --quiet, -w, --warn   - Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages
    --quieter, --err, --error - Only show errors and fatal messages
    --verbose, --debug        - (Debug) Show debug messages
    --version                 - Display the program version

    about, a      - (Debug) Show more version info
    build, b      - Build planet
    fetch, f      - Fetch feeds
    help          - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    install, i    - Install template pack
    list, ls, l   - List installed template packs
    merge, m      - Merge planet template pack
    test          - (Debug) Show global options, options, arguments for test
    update, up, u - Update planet feeds 

Gerald Bauer

Apr 15, 2020, 9:03:59 AM4/15/20

FYI: You don't need a rails app for the planet. The easiest setup
is a static website setup using the pluto command line tool - that is
- you delete everything except the missing (required) planet.ini

I would start with this simple setup in step 1 and than once
that is working you can always add more or go "dynamic" with a web

Anyways, the error:

*** error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - planet.ini

That's just saying that the required planet.ini (that is, your
feed list is missing).
Add a new planet.ini file and add your feeds and than retry. Example:

title = Planet Ruby

title = Ruby Lang News
link =
feed =

title = Ruby on Rails News
link =
feed =

Cheers. Prost. Good luck.

Gerald Bauer

Apr 15, 2020, 9:10:55 AM4/15/20
Just for the record - your first steps:

X $ rails new .
X $ gem install sqlite3
X $ rails db:create
OK $ gem install pluto
OK $ pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build

Not sure why you start with a rails app - it's not needed for now,
thus, that's all that is needed to get started:

$ gem install pluto
$ pluto build planet.ini -o build

Plus - of course - you have to create a planet.ini configuration
file with your feeds to include. See the last answer. Good luck.
Cheers. Prost.

Joe Rodgers

Apr 15, 2020, 11:48:02 AM4/15/20
to wwwmake

Many thanks on the clarification. I was under the impression I had to run ruby and create db manually each time you create a ruby app.

I am very excited to get this deployed locally. I have attached a screenshot as proof that I am officially an entry-level hacker ;)


Here are the exact steps I used to deploy the feedreader starter template on my local machine:

  • go to pluto.starter GH repo and click "use template" to create a cloned repository
  • open my new repo website on github and then open in with GH desktop, which will clone the repo to a folder on my local machine
  • open the repo main folder on my pc
  • create a planet.ini file in main repo folder
  • using cmd prompt navigate to repo main folder and run the following:  
  • $ gem install pluto
  • $ pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build

Joe Rodgers

Apr 15, 2020, 11:57:54 AM4/15/20
to wwwmake
I am running into errors getting themes installed now.

Here are the steps I am using:
open cmd prompt and navigate to main repository folder for my feedreader project
Run the following:
$ pluto install top
$ pluto ls
Output image:


$ pluto b ruby -t top
Output image:

top error.png

Do you have any advice on where I am going wrong?

Gerald Bauer

Apr 15, 2020, 12:17:19 PM4/15/20
   Great news.  Yeah, the magic is SQLite - it's just a library ("serverless" before "serverless") that auto-creates the database (just a single file) the first time you run pluto  - sorry for the confusion.

About the error with:

    $ pluto b ruby -t top
Ha.  That might look a little to hackish :-).
If I can remember correctly it is now longer advised / recommended to leave off the .ini extension, thus, please try the less magic:

   $ pluto b ruby.ini -t top

   Good luck.  Cheers. Prost.

PS: There was a little (upgrade) error in the top template (missing to_a in in_columns), see  that got fixed about an hour ago.

Gerald Bauer

Apr 15, 2020, 12:21:06 PM4/15/20

If you planet configuration is named lets say planet.ini than you
ALWAYS have to use planet.ini in your commands. Thus, if you see an
example with ruby.ini. Change:

$ pluto b ruby.ini -t top

to use

$ pluto b planet.ini -t top

Good luck.

Joe Rodgers

Apr 15, 2020, 12:45:38 PM4/15/20
to wwwmake
I am not sure what I did because I closed cmd.

But I ran:
$ pluto build
$ pluto fetch

and now I can see an additional HTML file in the root that shows the "top" template view.


It is working locally and this is pretty awesome! Amazing how a couple lines of code can deploy a webpage!

Joe Rodgers

Apr 15, 2020, 1:03:26 PM4/15/20
to wwwmake

Is there a list of steps to deploy to heroku webapp?

At this time, I have synced my gh repo to heroku but it will not build. I am assuming I need to declare a buildpack. I have tried to deploy using ruby, node, PHP, but can't get the app to deploy.


Here is a look at my settings:

settings page.png

Here is the deploy tab, you can see ruby is the current build pack:


Gerald Bauer

Apr 15, 2020, 2:54:01 PM4/15/20
   Great that it's working.

   About heroku -  sorry I haven't used heroku for some years now. I don't know.  Again the "basic" setup is not really a web app but a simpler static website.   Maybe there is something like a ruby static website build pack for heroku  the same that you would use for the jekyll static website generator / builder / compiler. I don't know.

   Netlify might be another option - it's the "heroku for static websites" - but again sorry I have no personal experience.   Good luck. Cheers. Prost.

Joseph Rodgers

Apr 15, 2020, 3:05:10 PM4/15/20
Thanks for the reply! After some messing around, I was able to get gh pages to serve it thanks to a friend!

This is great, thank you so much for your help!

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Joe Rodgers

Apr 16, 2020, 6:05:28 PM4/16/20
to wwwmake

Did you make all the themes?

On Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 2:05:10 PM UTC-5, Joe Rodgers wrote:
Thanks for the reply! After some messing around, I was able to get gh pages to serve it thanks to a friend!

This is great, thank you so much for your help!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 1:54 PM Gerald Bauer <> wrote:
   Great that it's working.

   About heroku -  sorry I haven't used heroku for some years now. I don't know.  Again the "basic" setup is not really a web app but a simpler static website.   Maybe there is something like a ruby static website build pack for heroku  the same that you would use for the jekyll static website generator / builder / compiler. I don't know.

   Netlify might be another option - it's the "heroku for static websites" - but again sorry I have no personal experience.   Good luck. Cheers. Prost.

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Joe Rodgers

Apr 17, 2020, 12:31:33 AM4/17/20
to wwwmake
Wanted to share an update!

You might get a kick out of this, but each feed item is wrapped in a bitcoin lightning network paywall.

I have got my setup humming and tweaked a template to my liking

My next plan is to learn how to make this thing update automatically each morning!

Gerald Bauer

Apr 17, 2020, 7:58:33 AM4/17/20

> Did you make all the themes?

Initially I was the one and only users :-) - and, thus, all the
themes at are just examples that I
put together some years ago.

A different "take" is to use pluto with a static website compiler /
builder such as jekyll and than you can use all the jekyll themes (as
done by OpenSUSE and others), see

> I have got my setup humming and tweaked a template to my liking

Great news. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up. Cheers. Prost.
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