Troubleshooting Error: This is not well formed XML

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Joe Rodgers

Apr 21, 2020, 1:37:21 PM4/21/20
to wwwmake

I am receiving an error when building my planet. 

Annotation 2020-04-21 123612.png

*** error: This is not well formed XML
Declarations can only occur in the doctype declaration.
Line: 60
Position: 75041
Last 80 unconsumed characters:

Is there a documented way to troubleshoot this? 


Gerald Bauer

Apr 23, 2020, 5:06:45 AM4/23/20
Hello Joe,
    First thanks for reporting errors and sending in questions.  Keep it up.

> *** error: This is not well formed XML

    This is a broken feed - XML has a "strict" error model - and currently the feedparser uses the standard library that uses the "builtin" xml and rss parser that follow the "strict" model.    The long term plan is to use a more "modern" (and tolerant) parser (such as nokogiri/libxml), alas that is month away.

    Sorry for the long answer the short answer is I have no quick answer how to fix / troubleshoot the broken feed (XML source) - if excluding the feed is not an option :-). 

    If you send the link to feed - I can check and try to find a workaround  - one idea is to use a feed filter that fixes the error  - pluto includes an ad (feed) filter machinery  - but in your case you might need a "special" one-time custom "patch" filter.

    Cheers. Prost. 


Aug 9, 2020, 12:52:35 AM8/9/20
to wwwmake
just wanted to follow up on this because I was concerned about promoting my new planet if a bunch of feeds weren't being included (I add a ton of feeds on each reader that I build)

I just went over my build logs, because I knew I saw errors in passing while running the command, but never took the time to sift through them...

The verdict is that I barely encountered any errors whatsoever! I found a link I needed to update, and some sites were down.. at least one error I couldn't really understand, but it was on one of the feed items not the feed itself, so not too worried about that.

I will keep my eyes on this, and I do have at least one error that doesn't occur ever single build, but I feel very encouraged reviewing the logs.

I've included attachments of the verbose build logs for each page I've got running via github actions for anyone who's interested.

5_build blogcatcher.txt
6_build orgsfeed.txt

Gerald Bauer

Aug 10, 2020, 10:51:30 AM8/10/20
As always thanks for your detailed reports and updates. Greatly
appreciated. Cheers. Prost.
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