E-NEWS BULLETIN 11 September 2015

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Lynn Thompson

Sep 11, 2015, 8:51:20 AM9/11/15
to Lynn Thompson

Friday 11 September 2015
Labour news you cannot afford to miss !

USA: Will Berkeley Ban Anti-Semitism?
"Are you a Jew?” demanded the Palestinian, armed with a make-believe Kalashnikov. He was demonstrating at Berkeley during an annual “Israel Apartheid Week,” showing what it was like to be a Palestinian living under Israeli rule."

PALESTINE: Gaza water shortage catastrophic: ‘We can’t drink, cook or wash with it’
"More than 90 percent of the Gaza Strip’s water is undrinkable. The rest is quickly running out. A combination of factors is rapidly depriving the population of this most basic of needs."
read more...http://www.rt

"An intelligence document has surfaced claiming that the white establishment through the private sector has a huge influence in the running of the National Treasury and that the history of this influence dates back to the early 1990s...,..”
read more...http://www.pam

SOUTH AFRICA: Is South Africa losing its activism mojo?
“This week was the commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the Bisho massacre, when 80,000 people gathered in protest against former Ciskei military leader Oupa Gqozo. Twenty-eight African National Congress supporters and one soldier died when the Ciskei Defence Force opened fire on the marchers."

read more...http://www.dai


ISRAEL: A dangerous escalation of repression in Israel: Knesset approves first reading of the proposed "Anti-Terrorism Law"
"Last night, 2 September 2015, the Israeli Knesset voted to approve the first reading of a proposed new "Anti-Terrorism Law" with 45 votes to 14. The proposed bill substantially expands the scope of the Israeli penal law."
read more...http://www.ada


UK: Two Britons killed in RAF Syria strike
"Two British Islamic State jihadists who died in Syria were killed by an RAF drone strike, David Cameron has said.”
read more...http://www.bbc


USA: Obama takes timeout from the Salman doctrine
"Saudi King Salman brought his own gold furniture with him to the grand DC hotel known as Four Seasons. Everything turned gold in Four Seasons last Friday, according to a regular in the hotel who spied on the deliveries — “gold mirrors, gold end tables, gold lamps, even gold hat racks.”."
read more...http://ati


INDIA: 150 million workers go on nationwide strike crippling major sectors
"Over 150 million workers are on strike across India crippling the operation of various sectors including essential services. The nationwide protest has been called by 10 major trade unions after talks with the federal government over its pro-business measures, failed."
read more... http://www.ib


AUSTRALIA: Public transport workers in Australia battle global giant
"As in many other countries of the world, the public transport system of the southern Australian city of Melbourne is privatised. The company that runs the tram and train system, MTR Corporation, is a global company which also runs public transport systems in four other countries."

read more... http://www.aaw


ECUADOR: Rafael Correa Lashes Western Media
"Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa hit back on Saturday at what he called an international media campaign of disinformation against his country."

read more...http://www.mor



PALESTINE: Palestinian hunger strikers continue their battle against illegal detention
"Israel’s use of administrative detention as a tool of repression has been well documented. Nevertheless, hundreds of Palestinians continue to suffer. One of the few ways that Palestinian prisoners have to fight back is by going on hunger strikes."
read more...http://www.aaw


UKRAINE: Neither War nor Peace.
“Since the announcement of a ceasefire beginning on 1st September 2015 Ukraine has enjoyed its first period of (relative) peace since the start of the Ukrainian government’s so-called “anti-terrorist operation” in April 2014."

read more..http://rus


 MIDDLE EAST: Whatever happened to critical intellectuals?
“Neoliberalism combined with the disappearance of critical intellectuals spell a bleak future for Western democracy. A time not so long ago, public intellectuals in Western democracies loudly denounced war and imperialism, oppression and the violation of universal values (truth, justice, etc) whenever and wherever they occurred."

read more...http://www.alja


GREECE: Greece at the Crossroads Part II: From the referendum to new elections
“Tsipras move to call the referendum marked a dramatic break from the deadlock of 5 months of fruitless negotiations with the EU, from the time the Syriza government came into office on Jan 25.  As the Guardian reported at the time,.."

read more...http://for


USA: Why you should care about Microsoft's latest legal battle
“Should the U.S. government have the right to search emails stored abroad?  They say the Internet knows no borders. Well, that may soon change. On Wednesday morning, a federal appeals court is set to hear arguments over the validity of a certain U.S. search warrant involving electronic records."

read more...http://for

SOUTH AFRICA: Labour broking changes ‘bled jobs’
"Half of the workers employed through labour brokers lost their jobs while a far smaller portion got permanent jobs in the 12 months following amendments to the Labour Relations Act that placed restrictions on the employment of temporary workers, new research shows."
read more... http://www.bdl


PALESTINE: Palestinian mother injured in arson attack dies
"The mother of an 18-month-old Palestinian baby burned to death in an arson attack in the occupied West Bank, has herself died from injuries sustained during the attack.."
read more... http://www.alja


VENEZUELA: Venezuela Leader Says US is to Blame for the Refugee Crisis
"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has laid the blame for the European refugee crisis at Washington’s door. His comments came as governments pledged to take in tens of thousands of people fleeing war across the Middle East and north Africa.”
read more...http://mor


USA: U.S. professors protest Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Silicon Valley visit
More than 100 academics from major American universities have issued a scathing critique of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of his visit to Silicon Valley and warned U.S. technology executives against supporting his Digital India initiative."
read more...http://www.lat


INTERNATIONAL: The refugee emergency in Europe points to deeper political crisis
"The continuing flow of thousands of refugees from West Asia and North Africa, is leading to increasing political tensions in Europe. While how to deal with this influx is important for the welfare of the refugees,."
read more... http://www.aaw


INDONESIA: Indonesian workers start campaign for better minimum wage
"On the first day of September, tens of thousands of workers took to the streets of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta demanding better labour laws and a new minimum wage for 2016. This demonstration was jointly co-ordinated by the three main union Federations in Indonesia."
read more... http://www.aaw


EUROPE: Migrants Cross Austria Border From Hungary
"Thousands of migrants who have been bottled up in Hungary, demanding passage to the West, will be allowed into Austria and Germany, the Austrian chancellor said late Friday. Early Saturday, the first buses carrying them arrived at the Hungary-Austria border..”
read more...http://www.nyt


USA: The European Union is blind to the military strategy of the United States
"The political leaders of the European Union are entirely wrong about the Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe and the migration to the Union of people fleeing the war zones. Thierry Meyssan demonstrates here that these are not simply the accidental consequences of conflict in the wider Middle East and Africa, but a strategic objective of the United States.”
read more...http://www.vol


TURKEY: Turkey at a crossroads as Erdoğan bulldozes his way to lasting legacy
"The rolling hills by the Black Sea, 90 minutes north-west of Istanbul, have long been prized for their dense forest and pristine lakes. Now the water buffalo that graced this landscape and supplied the city with much of its dairy produce are vanishing from what Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the president of Turkey, has turned into one of the world’s biggest building sites.”
read more...http://www.the


UK: Jeremy Corbyn and ‘Friends’
"There is nothing predictable about Jeremy Corbyn. The bearded, vegetarian, 66-year-old member of Parliament is not what a front-runner in the race for leader of “Her Majesty’s Opposition” is supposed to look like. And nobody, especially his Labour colleagues, imagined that his campaign would take off.”
read more...http://www.nyt


USA: A Sharing Economy Where Teachers Win? More Privatization Of Education Using Tech And Common Core
"What kind of tunes do you think Iago, the villain in William Shakespeare’s “Othello,” would listen to if he had an iPhone?"
read more... http://www.nyt


USA: Facebook Takes a Step Into Education Software
"Facebook, which transformed communication with its social networking service, now wants to make a similar impact on education. The Silicon Valley company announced on Thursday that it was working with a local charter school network, Summit Public Schools, to develop software that schools can use to help children learn at their own pace."
read more... http://www.ny

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