### Obama is murdering yet more elderly! ###

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Nancy Luft

Dec 1, 2012, 5:34:11 PM12/1/12
to WWIII and The Sputnik Forces by Nancy Luft

### Obama is murdering yet more elderly! ###Saturday, December 1, 2012
1:38 PM
From: "nancy luft" <nan...@yahoo.com>To: "--UAE" <u...@un.int>, "--UK"
<u...@un.int>, "--Ukraine" <uno...@mfa.gov.ua>, "--Venzuela"
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OrgIslamicConf" <o...@un.int>
Greetings to you all!

All President Jackass Obama ever cares to do is MURDER MORE AND MORE
ELDERLY, a fact of life!

Now Jackass Obama wants to make still more cuts to Medicare ...
unbelievable ... to intentionally murder yet more elderly. Jackass
Obama wants to cut Medicare by another huge $500,000 BILLION after he
just cut Medicare by an insanely huge $716,000 BILLION to pay for his
Obama-care! Jackass Obama, very obviously, is trying to GENOCIDE TO

What are the facts?

DECADE AND A HALF, and those traitorous federal politicians have
criminally cooked the US government books to hell to hide it. They
are currently criminally understating what inflation is by a HUGE
EIGHT PERCENT. Just go to ... shadowstats.com ... and you can read
all about that. That does mean that today over HALF OF THE MONEY IS
living on all of those checks should have been a huge eight percent
greater then it has been for the last decade and a half. PLUS that
criminally hidden, under the rug in The Oval Office, but still
existing in reality, insanely huge inflation has already destroyed
NON RICH AMERICANS. And therefore, today, our elderly and disabled
who are living on LIMITED INCOMES are now having HALF of the money
criminally stolen out of all of their social security checks, plus the
half they are still getting only have a half of the buying power it
used to have ... so they are currently living on incomes that have
only one-forth of the buying power that their incomes had a decade and
a half ago! Those books being criminally cooked to hell by our
federal politicians also mean that the money now being used to fund
Medicare has not been correctly increased to the honest rate of
inflation that exists in reality ... causing Medicare today to be
grossly under funded to the nth degree. Medical doctors can no longer
afford to accept any of our elderly or disabled who only have
Medicare, because if they do, they soon go bankrupt. More and more
doctors have gone bankrupt and they have given up the practice of
medicine completely and they have gotten jobs in other professions.

And so we have our elderly and disabled who are living on LIMITED
INCOMES today having their incomes have only ONE-FORTH of the buying
power that their incomes had a decade and a half ago ... and they are
simply too poor to be able to buy any supplemental health insurance at
all .... and we have JACKASS OBAMA constantly waging a GENOCIDAL WAR
against them all by constant cuts to their Medicare!

By the way, Jackass Obama is always waging a GENOCIDAL WAR against our
elderly and disabled Americans, a fact of life. He refused to allow
our elderly to even get swine flu shoots and he gave them to children
instead of the elderly ... and The USA was the only nation that did
that, as all other nations did give top priority to their elderly and
their elderly were the first to get those swine flu shots. In order
to keep myself alive, I had to stay in my tiny apartment for over a
full year so make sure that I could not get the swine flu and a huge
number us elderly were forced to do that very same thing ... hide from
the swine flu ...! We got endless LIES from Jackass Obama as he kept
saying that us elderly had natural immunity to that swine flu, when he
knew that the immune systems in over seventy percent of the elderly in
our USA do NOT work at all and they are NOT immune to anything!

Where do us elderly go for our medical care today? Oh, to those free
public health clinics that those over thirty million illegal aliens
all go to and we are forced to stand in line with those criminals who
are criminally in our USA! But the state and local governments are
all on the very of going bankrupt and therefore they keep making huge
cuts to those free public health clinics which means soon we elderly
and disabled, who are living on very limited incomes, will have NO
place at all to get any medical care. We will all have to wait until
we are sick enough to call 911 and have an ambulance take us to an
emergency room where the laws state that must give us some medical

GENOCIDAL MANIAC Jackass Obama believes that he can simply genocide to
death all of us non rich, non Jewish, elderly and disabled by
constantly cutting our Medicare to hell, but he will never, ever get
away with doing that to us all. We do have children, grandchildren,
etc., and they do know what is going on ... as we all constantly cry
to them about our forever increasing hellish poverty, etc. About one
in five non rich, non Jewish, Americans get those social security
checks, a fact of life, therefore if a person does not get one, their
parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, ..., someone very near and dear
to them gets one. So when GENOCIDAL MANIAC Jackass Obama keeps
waging his GENOCIDAL WAR against our non rich, non Jewish, elderly and
disabled, he is attacking ALL NON RICH, NON JEWISH, AMERICANS, and he
will never, ever get away with doing that ... they will never, ever
let him get away with it.

Oh, MY DEAR INTERNET READERS did you hear what that Republican Speaker
of our House of Representatives is now saying? He is saying that you
cannot increase the taxes on our Rich, because to do that means that
they will be able to provide fewer jobs to us non rich! Yes, he is
saying yet more of that utterly FASCIST REAGANOMICS that you must
always keep cutting the taxes on our very richest Americans do that
AMERICANS that we have been hearing since Reagan was in office.
Rich should have long ago trickled down to us non rich Americans?
After listening to those horrific lies now for almost three decades,
the only thing that all of us non rich Americans even keep seeing is
forever increasing poverty, unemployment, etc., yet that Speaker has
the audacity to still be telling us those same old horrific LIES that
FASCIST REAGAN told us when he was in office! By the way, our
traitorous federal politicians have criminally cooked the US
government books by, also, changing the way they count the unemployed
and IF they were counting our unemployed the same way they were
counted two decades ago, the number of unemployed Americans, all of
the time that Jackass Obama has been in office would be a huge TWENTY-
THREE PERCENT and that is the about the same that unemployment was at
the very worst of our last global great depression! When those
criminal traitorous federal politicians keep criminally under stating
what inflation is by a huge eight percent, they always, automatically,
criminally overstate our Gross Domestic Product by a HUGE FOUR
PERCENT, since it is always adjusted for inflation, and that had been
criminally hiding this GREAT DEPRESSION that began back in the year
2000 AD and has now lasted much longer then our last great depression
and has been a hell of a lot worst, also.

Jackass Obama and those other criminal traitorous federal politicians
all keep refusing to do anything to fix our economy at all. They
should have to put out HONEST US GOVERNMENT STATISTICS, they would
have to undo all of utterly fascist Reagan and to a FDR STIMULUS
PACKAGE of increasing the taxes on our Rich to NINETY-ONE PERCENT to
take that SURPLUS WEALTH from them and give it back to our non rich to
IMPROVE SALES so that our economy will grow once again, and they would
have to completely get rid of their utterly fascist free trade and
globalization and return to having trade traffics, etc. They have
done absolutely nothing at all to fix our economy. What does that

Oh, we can all just wait and see when our entire economy all crashes
our completely and totally melts down and is just gone, because those
criminal traitor federal politicians keep refusing to do anything at
all to fix our economy. And that can happen any time now, and do not
ever forget that fact of life. There are today, endless things that
can cause the entire global economy to totally crash out completely
and just burn and be completely gone ... there are so very many things
that can now cause that, that no one has any idea what or where
something will now happen to completely and totally crash out our
entire global economy and cause it to just all burn and be totally
gone! A few rich people, anywhere upon our planet earth can start
some RICH MAN'S PANIC that totally and completely crashes out the
entire global economy and causes it all to completely burn and be
totally gone! I do always watch every day, all day long, the stock
markets to see if that is happening, as it can happen now any time.
And that is why I keep telling all of MY DEAR INTERNET READERS to buy
guns and a lot of ammo and to store emergency food, supplies, etc.,
because I just do not know when our entire US economy will be
completely and totally gone ... and work much harder to spread The
TRUTH to as many Americans as you can ... so they, too, prepare
themselves, please!

Oh yes, I have tried to get Jackass Obama to do those things that
absolutely must be done to fix our messed up US economy and that
rotten, sick, son of a bitch only cares to keep acting like a SUPER
FASCIST PIG and not fix any of it at all. Is Obama's current budget
deal that he wants to have going to fix our utterly messed up US
economy? HELL NO! Jackass Obama only cares to increase the taxes
on our Rich a tiny little bit by not extending President Dumbo Bush's
tiny tax cuts to our Rich ... and that will never, ever fix our
economy at all. You must realize that both REPUBLICAN US Presidents
Harding and Reagan did the very same things to cause great
depressions ... they both cut the taxes on our Rich enormously so
that our Rich soon because record breaking rich. Our Rich soon did
end up owning virtually the entire USA and having virtually all of its
wealth and income, too, which caused our non rich, who are our huge
consuming class, to become so poor that SALES KEEPS GOING TO HELL and
our entire US economy keeps SHRINKING IN A GREAT DEPRESSION. Oh, but
our utterly fascist mass media says every Christmas that sales has
always increased? That is a horrific LIE because those sales numbers
are never, ever being adjusted for the honest rate of inflation ...
and you have to always subtract a huge eight percent from those sales
numbers to get the honest rate of change in those sales from year to
year ... and if you do that you learn that each year sales does
decrease during the Christmas season! You must always remember that
ALL OF THE STATISTICS our US government puts are are always horrific
LIES and none of them are correct at all. The fascist mass media has
been, also, saying that there had been a recovery in our housing
construction industry, and that, also, is a horrific lie.
The houses they are currently building are about one thousand square
feet smaller then the ones they used to be building and they are
selling for HALF of what they used to sell for. Because the buying
power of all non rich Americans has been CUT IN HALF by that
criminally hidden by those books being criminally cooked to hell
inflation, that does still exist in reality, what is going on it they
are simply building a lot smaller and cheaper houses and selling them
for HALF of what houses used to sell for. That is no real recovery
in the housing construction industry at all, as it is some sort of
weird, strange HALF ASS-ED RECOVERY! What next? As all non rich
Americans very rapidly grow poorer and poorer, will they decide to,
once again, cut the size and selling price of new houses in half
again? Soon American families will be buying shoe boxes to live in
and trying to figure out how the hell they can fit their entire family
into those extremely tiny shoe boxes!

And what does The Speaker and those utterly FASCIST Tea Party traitors
in our US Congress keep saying in so many words, over and over
again? Oh, you cannot increase the taxes on our Rich because they
must all stay insanely rich do that they can ... TRICKLE DOWN ON ALL
OF US NON RICH AMERICANS ...! And so I ask you all ... When do you
all really get angry at those ... GREED IS GREAT FASCIST RICH ... who
are today record breaking rich like they during our last great
depression and just get off your asses and do something to get rid of
them all? Are you not really sick and tired of them always ...
TRICKLING DOWN ON YOU ... sick and tired of them endless ... PISSING

Nancy Ann Luft

PS: And please to realize that Jackass Obama and those Democrats are
doing absolutely nothing at all to fix our messed up economy. And
that means that soon our entire US economy will simply crash out and
completely burn up and we shall soon become a nation of over three
hundred million people who have absolutely no economy left at all.
No food to eat soon? Oh well, just BBQ FOR BRUNCH our entire Rich
and Ruling Class as they are all super fascist pig thieving traitors
and take back your USA from them all. The lunatic ROBBER BARON THUG
Rockefeller Family got criminal control of ALL of our mass media, our
entire nation, and today we are all living under BARBARIAN GANGSTERS,
a fact of life, and that is what our entire Rich and Ruling Class
are ... they are all BARBARIAN GANGSTERS ...! Yes I do realize that
it is next to impossible for all of you morally good and great,
decent, loyal patriotic Americans, who greatly love you sacred US
Constitution and the democracy it did establish to keep living under
those horrific BARBARIAN GANGSTERS who did overthrow it all.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE ... try much harder to SPREAD THE TRUTH ... as
that will set you free! Over ninety-five percent of all Americans
are not Rich and they are not Jews, therefore they can, very easily,
take back their USA from those horrific GANGSTER THIEVING TRAITORS BY

PPS: Care to hear something simply HILARIOUS? Our GANGSTER THIEVING
RICH are now saying that it is not their fault that they are so
insanely rich today ... it is the fault of those politicians because
those politicians are the ones who made them insanely rich! Oh well,
no one is forcing any of our Rich to keep that criminally stolen
wealth and they are all FREE to give it all back to the people and to
live a very humble middle, middle class life, right? Correct! But
our utterly FASCIST RICH are all far too busy giving lots of that
criminally stolen wealth to that utterly FASCIST TEA PARTY that cares
to re-create THE FEUDAL SYSTEM in our very own USA, giving it to
Glover Norquist to make sure that their own taxes are never increased,
etc. And I continue to have the ROBBER BARON THUG, SUPER FASCIST,
BARBARIAN GANGSTER Rockefeller's stooges telling me that I am going to
murder all of our Rich! And here I am doing absolutely nothing at
all wrong! All I keep doing is writing The TRUTH about all things
and if our GANGSTER RICH AND RULING CLASS does not like The TRUTH
about them ... that is their faults ... they should have behaved much
better so that I would have better things to write about them! Oh
well, those fascist pigs, all of my entire, lifetime have always acted
like they are a RIGHT TO BE DOING THIS ALL, no joke!
And I can never figure out why they believe that they have a RIGHT to
be doing all. Perhaps it is that ROBBER BARON THUG Rockefeller
Family believing that they have a RIGHT to always be ROBBER BARON
THUGS! Criminals are always so fucking STUPID, have you noticed that
fact of life? If criminals had a functional brain cells in their
heads, they would know how to get their needs met using legitimate
means and not need to a criminal, a fact of life! Let us face
reality here, please, ... our Rich and Ruling Class having decided to
be GANGSTER FASCIST PIGS in our nation in which everyone is
brainwashed from the day that they are born to always ... PUT A BULLET
BETWEEN THE EYES OF ALL FASCISTS ... so honestly happen to be killing
themselves off by being SUPER FASCIST PIGS! FASCISM is a conspiracy
of The Rich that completely overthrows democracies which are always
POWER TO THE PEOPLE ... and therefore everyone who loves and believes
in democracy always greatly care to ... PUT A BULLET BETWEEN THE EYES
OF ALL FASCISTS ... a fact of life!

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