Education Committee Members needed

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Chris Scherer

Dec 29, 2008, 12:45:10 PM12/29/08
to Google Group
Hi Everybody,
Education is a foundation for much of what the WWBPA does. Currently, I am chairing an Education committee and Silvia Ascarelli has volunteered as a member of the committee.
We would love to get more members and have a meeting within the next couple weeks. Please let me know if you are interested in being on this committee. If you're not available in the near future, please don't hesitate, as we will meet regularly and you'll have plenty of opportunities to pitch in.
We're open to any ideas and are already working on the following:
- Ride Smart Ride Safe campaign to provide helmets, lights, ankle bands, reflective vests and safety information (e.g., copies of our bilingual bike/ped map and the attached Ride Smart Ride Safe brochure) to cyclists who are riding illegally.
- Pedestrian Safety Awareness focusing on visibility for commuters walking to/from the train station.
- Bike Safety Talks at local schools, churches and events to promote safe cycling.
- Hands-On Bike Safety Events where we can demonstrate safe cycling and give cyclists of all ages and abilities a chance to practice their skills and learn a thing or two.
- Share the Road Awareness for motorists and cyclists (see attached).
- Safe Routes to School programs.
Our scope includes West Windsor and neighboring communities.

Your involvement can be as much or as little as you choose on any area.
609-426-7688 work
609-397-8589 home
ó^o "Bicycling is a very simple solution to many complicated problems in the world." --- John Burke, Trek president
Ride Smart Ride Safe (080428).pdf
Share the Road (080428 v.1).pdf

Abby Sorrell

Dec 30, 2008, 7:57:13 PM12/30/08
to West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance
THIS sounds like something I could do. Let me know what you need.
Abby Sorrell :-)

On Dec 29, 12:45 pm, "Chris Scherer" <>
>  Ride Smart Ride Safe (080428).pdf
> 332KViewDownload
>  Share the Road (080428 v.1).pdf
> 112KViewDownload
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