FREE ICE CREAM, Officer Applications and More!

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WVU Student Sierra Coalition

Jul 11, 2022, 3:53:47 PM7/11/22

Howdy, y’all!

It’s been a while! I hope you all are having a terrific and lit summer regardless (or in spite of) the Supreme Court. Anyways, I got a rash of cool stuff coming up y'all's way...

  • Are you in Morgantown or near it and like ice cream? You can get FREE HOMEMADE ice cream courtesy of the Monongahela Group of the WV Sierra Club and go on a nice hike on July 13th at Coopers Rock! I’ve included a flyer below. If you need a ride and are in Morgantown, Fairmont or near there, send me an email at or an Instagram DM to let me know. Otherwise, I hope to see you there!
  • We have an officer application that’s coming out soon! We’ve got stuff for everyone, no matter how much time or experience you have. Those will be coming out within the next four weeks. If you wanna take your love of the planet to the next level, be on the lookout for the application on our email and our social media! Also, if you know anyone that is interested in becoming an officer but is not a current member of SSC, they are free to apply as well!
  • I’m very happy to announce that the WVU Student Sierra Coalition has adopted a trail in Coopers Rock! If you’re interested, notice will be coming out about our first cleanup in the next few weeks. 
  • Finally, If you know clubs, groups or individuals at colleges around the state and Appalachia that are into the environment, let us know! We love to collaborate and are very interested in getting to know some more cool people around us. 

Thanks for reading, and, again, enjoy your summer! We are gonna be coming into the school year with fire in our bellies to keep West Virginia Wild and Wonderful!


/ James Lamp (he/him/his)
West Virginia Student Sierra Coalition
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