Using both a 1 column and 2 column theme

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Dec 5, 2007, 2:54:50 PM12/5/07
to WuCoco Users

Can anyone tell me perhaps the best way of going about this?

I have a two column site, but have some occasional non dynamic, flat
pages which would benefit from the 1 column type look. It would give
my non dynamic page more room for content.

Is there any way I can mix and match the two themes at once? I am
using the latest Wordpress.

Perhaps there is a tweak I can do to the two column version so that I
can author a few pages in the one column style.

I know the default wordpress theme does this occasionally, for
example, when you click on a link for a single blog post... the side
column disappears. I think it does this magic in the single.php file.

Anyway, any clues?


Mike Lococo

Dec 8, 2007, 2:40:10 PM12/8/07
> I have a two column site, but have some occasional non dynamic, flat
> pages which would benefit from the 1 column type look. It would give
> my non dynamic page more room for content.
> Is there any way I can mix and match the two themes at once? I am
> using the latest Wordpress.

This can be done, but it takes some hackery at the moment. I can give
some hints, but I'm probably forgetting some things you'll have to sort
out to make it work. The basic idea is to make a new copy of the file
that displays pages (page.php, IIRC) so that it does what you want, and
then make it a page template.

1) Make a copy of page.php and turn it into a template by adding a
comment at the top along the lines of "Template Name: whatever". See
archives.php for an example of how this is done.

2) Hack the new template to not have the sidebar by commenting/deleting
the get_sidebar line (and the include leftbar line if you're using the
3-column theme).

3) Hack the new template to widen the postcol, perhaps by replacing all
occurrences of id="postcol" with id="postcol_wide" and then creating an
inline style definition with a width of 980px.

Sorry for the delay in my response, I had hoped to have a simpler answer
for you as I thought I hacked this together once already, but I can't
find any evidence of that actually happening, perhaps I dreamed it :)

Mike Lococo

Jeff Dilcher

Dec 10, 2007, 7:57:17 AM12/10/07

first off, thanks very much for your response! I love the look of the
theme, and definately will try the suggestions below!

One other question I had, perhaps you know the answer to.

I figured out how it is possible to remove the search box, however, if
the search box is removed, I still have the large gap between the header
image, and the column content.

Do you know which file I would alter to shrink this gap? Would it be a
question of removing some "newlines", or, are the elements in the page
statically mapped out, somehow?

Thanks again!

Jeff Dilcher

Dec 10, 2007, 12:29:15 PM12/10/07
to WuCoco Users
> I figured out how it is possible to remove the search box, however, if
> the search box is removed, I still have the large gap between the header
> image, and the column content.
> Do you know which file I would alter to shrink this gap? Would it be a
> question of removing some "newlines", or, are the elements in the page
> statically mapped out, somehow?

I don't typically support theme customizations unless there's some new/
interesting issue raised (as in your last question), since there are
more blogs out there than I have time to be a pro-bono designer for.
The one hint I'll give is that the #header dimensions are defined in
style-core.css, along with lots of other positioning and style

Mike Lococo

Jeff Dilcher

Dec 10, 2007, 7:39:49 PM12/10/07
Understood. Thanks for the responses, and making the theme available!
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