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Aug 6, 2007, 9:15:41 AM8/6/07
to WuCoco Users
I've been using Tarski for one year but I'm trying to swith to WuCoco
after seeing a site we liked (the columbis writing program blog).
Admittedly, we're not proficient in customization. At this point,
we're new to WuCoco and we're looking for info on how to insert our
blog title into the header, as well as change the photo of the
header. There's also text re: link 1, link 2, etc. that I don't
understand in the header. So far, I haven't been able to find
anything to help me out. Can anyone make some suggestions?


Todd and Doug

Mike Lococo

Aug 6, 2007, 10:31:33 AM8/6/07

> I've been using Tarski for one year but I'm trying to swith to WuCoco
> after seeing a site we liked (the columbis writing program blog).
> Admittedly, we're not proficient in customization.

These are good questions, they've all been asked/answered before in the
in the comments of various releases of WuCoco, but those are hard to
search and read as a new user and it's good to get answers to them
documented in the mailing list archives. At this point, WuCoco does
require minor source edits to perform some the customizations that you
want (although the next version includes an options page to allow common
customizations without editing source). They are all extremely simple,
and the source contains comments to help you out. Specifics follow...

> how to insert our blog title into the header...

Open header.php and search for 'UNCOMMENT' (without the quotes). Remove
comment tags wrapping the blogtitle div that look like this:
<!-- title stuff that should be left -->

Positioning/color of the blog title is controlled from style-core.css.
Search for 'blogtitle'.

> change the photo of the header...

Simply replace wucocodir/images/header.jpg with an image of your own of
the correct pixel dimensions (980x200 for the 3-col, 760x200 for the
1-col and 2-col).

> There's also text re: link 1, link 2, etc...

They're an area to place a few important links manually (especially
useful in the 1-col where no sidebar with pages links is available).
The source for them is also in header.php, search for 'CUSTOMIZE'.
Either edit the links to point pages/sites of your choosing, or if you
don't want them at all you can safely remove all the text until the 'end
header links' comment.

Positioning/color of the header links is also controlled in style.css.
Search for 'nav'.

Mike Lococo


Aug 6, 2007, 4:18:23 PM8/6/07
to WuCoco Users
Thanks Mike. I spent some time digging through some of those posts
you mentioned this morning. Those, couple with your tips, have been
very helpful. One more quick question: The stylesheet refers to four
fonts (vernada, geneva, arial and sans-serif, i think). Do you have
a link on how do we change the font in the blog title/links section to
a different font, either one of the four or another one? I haven't
been able to figure this out after alot of tinkering. By the way, our
website is

Thanks for the time and the site.

Aug 6, 2007, 6:44:22 PM8/6/07
to WuCoco Users
> One more quick question: The stylesheet refers to four
> fonts (vernada, geneva, arial and sans-serif, i think). Do you have
> a link on how do we change the font in the blog title/links section to
> a different font, either one of the four or another one? I haven't
> been able to figure this out after alot of tinkering.

This is more of a general css question, and at some point you just
have to start figuring it out and learning. Some general advice:

- Multiple fonts are listed in case the client does have the one you
want. Fonts earlier in the list take higher precedence and it fails
through the list until it finds something that works. If nothing in
the list works, it picks a font more or less at random (which is why
several are listed).
- Use dom-inspector in firefox. It's invaluable in finding typos and
other badness that can break things.

Mike Lococo

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