Questions about Map and Tile Designer

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Andrew Stanton

May 3, 2008, 5:34:35 PM5/3/08
Is it possible to load tiles with the same addresses in IBMPC1 and also the tiles of our choice?

Like if we load 256 tiles from IBMPC1 and then write over the first 64 with a Tile Design non-monochrome set of tiles.

I am trying to figure it out.  But, from what I have noticed.  I can load the IBMPC1 tile set and then I can load the tiles from my tile designs.  And then I can load a map with those tiles, but if I try to load on the background by the original convention with tiles from IBMPC1, the game will glitch and fail.

I have attached a current copy of my code.  Currently 117-120 are edited out, but there I am just trying to print a line of '#' characters, which in my IBMPC1 translate to a wall tile, but it doesn't matter.  I try to print them after I have loaded Map1.z80.  I will include the other necessary files too, just in case anyone wants to try.

I believe I have attached everything needed.

~ Andrew

John Harrison

May 4, 2008, 10:26:43 PM5/4/08
your problem is that line 119 should read
ld bc, EndTest-Test

and you have EndTest and Test reversed. You are therefore causing an
overflow and loading bc with a huge number that is writing over vast
amounts of memory etc.

John Harrison

Andrew Stanton

May 4, 2008, 11:35:14 PM5/4/08
Okay simple enough mistake on my part.

Beyond my error, when I first write 8*256 tiles of monochrome.  Then I proceed to write 16*42 color tiles, how many tiles of monochrome do I replace with each color tile? Is it 2?

If so, that would allow us to write 16 color tiles before we start erasing the numbers and their shift representatives (!@#$).  And then another additional 16 before we got to actual letters.

I think I may need to replace many more than that, so I fear losing the ability to simply write on the background conventionally, by typing in the character I want to.  What can I do to approach this?


John Harrison

May 4, 2008, 11:46:57 PM5/4/08

Andrew Stanton wrote:
Okay simple enough mistake on my part.

Beyond my error, when I first write 8*256 tiles of monochrome.  Then I proceed to write 16*42 color tiles, how many tiles of monochrome do I replace with each color tile? Is it 2?
no 1.

If so, that would allow us to write 16 color tiles before we start erasing the numbers and their shift representatives (!@#$).  And then another additional 16 before we got to actual letters.
except that since it is 1 to 1 it's 32 and 32

I think I may need to replace many more than that, so I fear losing the ability to simply write on the background conventionally, by typing in the character I want to.  What can I do to approach this?
By changing where they are loaded, you could shift where any tiles are located i.e. tiles 32-64 could instead be tiles 64-96 or whatever.
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