Urgent push needed for 2048 in the Senate

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Christine Johansen

May 25, 2011, 3:14:48 PM5/25/11
to wsch-board-...@googlegroups.com, wsch...@googlegroups.com

HB 2048 is on its way to the Senate.  The bill will extend a sunset date on a portion of the document recording fees that fund a substantial portion of our work, and create an additional temporary $10 per document recording fee which would generate funds to (1) address the fact that the Home Security Fund (recording fees) has $12 million more in program obligations than it has funds to cover, and (2) create some additional funds that would allow us to mitigate at least somewhat the effect of all the other cuts to social supports.


The bill has the support of private landlords, the homeless community and the Washington Association of Counties (including King County).


Please contact your senators ensure this bill passes before the end of session.



Bill Block

Project Director

Committee to End Homelessness,

a regional coalition hosted by King County

401 Fifth avenue Suite 500

Seattle, WA 98104

(206) 263-9001



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