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is up and is kosher to use for Erev Shabbat Chukat-Balak 5783 - C.L.T. 8:10pm (See below)

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Eruv Hotline

Jun 30, 2023, 6:45:54 PM6/30/23
to Eruv Hotline Email List

Chicago West Rogers Park Eruv Hotline
The West Rogers Park - Chicago Eruv 
is up and kosher to use for 
Friday June 30, 2023
Erev Shabbat Parshat Chukat-Balak 5783
Erev-Shabbat Candle Lighting Time Friday - 8:10pm
(see below)
* Please note the Peterson Park/Lincolnwood Eruv and also the Skokie Eruv have been down on and off recently so please check their Eruv also, if you plan to cross over to those areas.

Any week you don't get to check the Eruv status
or get this Email...
Look for the Eruv Status Sign  
on the Window at 
Congregation Or Menorah!
(7006 N. California Ave.)

 Eruv Hotline Sponsors: 
Or Menorah 
7006 N. California Ave. 
in Chicago
Or Menorah
 See you this Shabbat!
Friday Mincha/Kabalat Shabbat: 
 (always 10 min after licht)
Shabbat Mornings:  9:15am

Shabbat Afternoon:
(No early Mincha)

Pirke Avot Shiur 20 min. before Mincha

Shabbat Mincha: 8:00pm

(Followed by Divre Torah)
Motz'ei Shabbat Maariv: 9:04pm 
No earlier than 33minutes after Sunset, 
finishing in time for Havdallah

Membership info & schedules are the on our website:

"Taped With... Rabbi Doug"
See the only weekly Jewish TV show in the midwest!
See "TAPED" with Rabbi Doug - on TV or on-line  24/6 !
Or click the following link to watch it on the web!
"TAPED" with... Rabbi Doug
Hosted by Rabbi Doug
to watch or for more info and schedules

On this week's show and guest with 
Rabbi Doug: 

 Beatlefest ‘22 -Part 1

for TV schedules and stations)
For the boundaries of the eruv and relevant halachot, go to
Please note the following Halachot:
If you wish to cross into the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv or from there to The Skokie Eruv at the connecting locations on Shabbat 
while carrying anything, 
you must check that eruv's status also, before Shabbat. 

See eruv maps and phone numbers at:

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