New Feature! Automatic Asynchronous Writes

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Jun 11, 2010, 10:50:51 AM6/11/10
I'm excited to announce a new feature of writeCapture that I hope will
make it even easier to use! Automatic Asynchronous Writes! Basically
you add this call somewhere:


And write capture will automatically capture document.write calls and
defer them until after the page loads! I'm hoping a lot of you will
try it out and send me your feedback/bug reports.

Thanks for using writeCapture!



Nov 28, 2011, 9:27:01 AM11/28/11
to, zedesino
So first, please address questions like this to the mailing list, not
just me. Other people may have the same problem. Also, I don't
actively use writeCapture currently, so I am the least likely person
to have run into your issue.

Please create a stripped down example at so that
I and others can play with it. A page on your site demonstrating the
problem is rarely helpful because I can't go and edit the source.
Please take the time to reproduce it on JS fiddle so we can help you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: zedesino <>
Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: New Feature! Automatic Asynchronous Writes
To: noah <>

HI Noah,

tnx fro this nice feature autoAsync.

I'm not skilled with javascript, but installed your plugin and works
fine only for one ad. All other ads are blocked. When i remove this
function ads loads but dont preload content first.
So somehow script stop working and block all ads when load first ad.

Is this something that can be fixed fast or no?

All my ads have few javascript files and i tryed to load them with
some different options you showed in examples but no luck, only thing
that works is this line of function     $.writeCapture.autoAsync();

Tnx for the answer!

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