Compustat variables - meaning of 0

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Quirine Anbeek

Nov 20, 2020, 7:54:39 PM11/20/20
to wrdssas

When getting data from Compustat, I need the following variables. However, for some companies there is a 0 value in the following variables. 

What is the meaning of a zero value in the following?

Current liabilities

Total assets

Total debt

Stockholders equity

I am under the impression that a publically traded company with 0 total assets or 0 total debt (etc etc) does not make much of sense. Maybe the zero represents a convention?

Thanks in advance!

Attila Balogh

Nov 22, 2020, 7:57:38 PM11/22/20
to Quirine Anbeek, wrdssas

Hi Quirine,


It’s probably useful to understand the universe of firms that are included in Compustat. The below SAS code shows that not all firms are publicly listed and only a subset of them are listed on a large US exchange.


When firms go public, they also provide two or so years of prior financials, which could explain missing or zero values for firms on a large US exchange.


You may need to think about the sample of firms you are interested in studying and filter your sample accordingly. As a guideline, the smallest firm in the Russell 3000 has a market capitalization of just under $100m with a median of $1.4bn. It is probably a common first filter to exclude firms with total assets under $10m, or missing.






proc freq data=comp.funda;
        table exchg;


proc sort data=comp.r_ex_codes out=r_ex_codes;
   by exchgcd;
proc print data=r_ex_codes;
   var exchgcd exchgdesc;

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