WBC/FunFly 2019

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Mark Schmid

May 31, 2019, 10:56:52 AM5/31/19
to Wram, Wram
The weather forecast is good for Saturday June 1st and the event will start around 12:00. We have food, fun flying and prizes so come up and take part in the Winter Build Contest and or the FunFly 2019. Not quite ready for the season come up and enjoy the day watching Combat Sorties provided by
Al Reinhardt which is always fun. Win some money and as we raise a little money with the 50/50. Have a bite to eat, are chefs will be ready. Any questions about the WBC or FunFly email me at www.mark...@aol.com

See you tomorrow
Mark Schmid

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Mark Schmid

Jun 2, 2019, 11:30:32 AM6/2/19
to Wram, Wram
Success........ the WBC/FunFly 2019 went perfectly. We finally had a good weekend and had a great day. So many people helped make this a very successful event. Big thanks to Al Reinhardt for making his combat planes available. Jim Manacky and Chris Kendra did an excellent job on the shopping and cooking. The field looked beautiful thanks to Bob T and Mike C. The rest of the grounds looks great from the efforts of Bob Skrobalak and Chris Kendra. And I can’t forget Donna for taking care of the 50/50 raffle.
There were 14 fliers signed up for the events. So here are the competition results and WBC results from the judges. (Not me)

Combat overall winner Daryl Plumer

50/50 Ray Windas
(Ray graciously donated part of his win back to the club)

Event 1 Timed glider climb
1st Bob T
2nd Joe S
3rd Tony T

Event 2 Roll Loop Roll (dice game)
1st Bob T
2nd Mark S
3rd Joe S

Event 3 Untimed 3min flight
1st Marc L
2nd Jorge R
3rd Bob T

Winter Build Contest
Category ARF
1st Mark S RV-4
2nd Henry L Lancair
3rd Daryl Yak 54

Scratch build
1st John Rusinko

Winter Build Contest
Mark S. RV-4

It’s my pleasure to be a part of this contest and fun fly I hope all competitors and spectators had a great time. It’s the players that make the game fun. Any members wanting to help at any of our next events let me know.
Congratulations to all the winners prizes will be awarded at the next meeting or by mail.

Sent from my iPhone

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