Field Clean Up Day

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Mark Schmid

Oct 24, 2023, 3:45:40 PM10/24/23
to Wram, Wram
I was informed from the field committee that Clean Up Day will take place on Saturday October 28th at 12pm-until ? Flying will take place at the conclusion of the work. Should be normal clean up for the off season. Basically canopies down, grills cleaned up put away, other small items to be stored in the shed. Pizza to be provided.
contact Darryl Plumer
(845) 656-7455

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Jeffrey Doyle

Oct 24, 2023, 3:56:17 PM10/24/23
to Mark Schmid, Wram, Wram
Hello can I please be removed from this email distribution list .

Thank you,

Jeffrey Doyle

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John Mish Jr

Nov 6, 2023, 10:02:18 AM11/6/23
to Friends of WRAM
At the risk of looking foolish, I am replying to this message, however I wanted to create a new unrelated message and didn't see that option. Anywho, is anyone planning to fly today? I am a probationary member and live in New Milford. The last time I took a chance and just showed up at the field unannounced on an otherwise fine weather weekday nobody was there. It's is a relatively long schlep to the Goodhill Airport RC field which would be my fallback field today. I am not requesting anyone to change their plans, I'd rather save my favors, but if someone was planning to fly today or tomorrow. I would appreciate a heads up.

John Mish
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