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Extract Bin

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Fernanda Verdelho

May 2, 2022, 9:16:22 AM5/2/22
to wradlib-users

My name is Fernanda Verdelho, master's degree student Brazil. I'm a beginning meteorologist in the weather radar area and  I'm having a little difficulty with the library. I would like suggestions from the group, if someone has already done the extraction of bin data (range, azimuth and elevation) from reflectivity to a dataframe?  Note: The raw data is a netcdf in Cf/Radial1 format.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


Elton Robaina

May 2, 2022, 6:53:16 PM5/2/22
to wradlib-users
Hi,  Welcome to the wradlib community.
I happy to see many other brazilians in this community.

Have many topics to extract data from NetCDF with in this group.
If your case is more specific, people in the community will need more information to be able to help.

I sugest :

* In a topic 13/06/2021 (Issue with wrl.georef.georeference_dataset function, and CAPPI from netCDF)
* In a topic 23/01/2022 CAPPI from NetCDF (Convention: Cf/Radial)
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