Convert single sweeps of IMD Radars from FSL netcdf to CF/Radial

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Syed Hamid Ali

Oct 22, 2021, 3:21:18 AM10/22/21
to wradlib-users
Dear IMD Radar data users,

I want to draw your attention to the fact that I've created a Python library, PyScanCf, for Indian Meteorological Department Weather Radar data. They provide about ten single scans for the entire volume of the atmosphere over a particular domain in FSL NetCDF format.
PyScanCf was developed to convert this data to Cf-radial, gridded, and plot Cappi. It has been designed to make the output data compatible with Pyart and Wradlib, allowing users to perform additional processing.
The library was created out of necessity and was inspired by open-source libraries such as Pyart and Wradlib.
Please keep in mind that it uses Pyart to convert data to a gridded format.

Thanks and regards,
Syed Hamid

IMD radar, Indian Meteorological Department, FSL NetCDF, single scan, single sweep

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