[ReaderSVG] Radial gradients don't render

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Mar 20, 2009, 5:00:48 AM3/20/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
I made test svg-file for bug showing and testing:

And this is the screenshot for svg rendering in Inkscape and

Andrej Benedik

Mar 20, 2009, 10:28:04 AM3/20/09
to wpf-gr...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for your sample file.

I have already found and fixed the problem. The current version of ReaderSvg did not process the transformations on RadialGradients.

I am preparing a major update for ReaderSvg and this fix will be also included.
The new version will support export as Geometry (much better performance for more complex drawings) - just as ReaderWmf already does.
It will also have an integrated xaml writer, so you could get xaml from code.

The new version will be available probably in a week or two.


Илья Кирюхин

Apr 2, 2009, 2:39:24 AM4/2/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
Hi, Andrej

> The new version will be available probably in a week or two.

What about work on new version with using Geometry and correct
transformations on RadialGradients?

Ilia K.

Andrej Benedik

Apr 3, 2009, 4:45:28 AM4/3/09
to wpf-gr...@googlegroups.com
The new version is almost prepared.

It needs some additional testing and updates of the web site.

I was planning the release for this week, but I will not make it.
So you can expect the release in the next week.

This will really be a big update. Here is the list of new features:

  • Added Geometry support (as in Ab2d.ReaderWmf):
new ReadGeometry method with support for advanced geometry optimization and use or resources (Burshes and Pens are defined in resources).

new ResourceDictionaryWriter class and sample SampleResourceDictionary aplication to simplify creating resources from the svg files
  • Added SvgDrawing control to show svg file as geometries in xaml
  • Added GetXaml method to get the xaml of the read objects (also used in ViewerSvg; it is much more accurate as System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save)
  • Added GetObjectName method - gets the name of the object. If object does not have a name defined returns null.
  • Optimized the output xaml for Path element - now the properties with default values are no longer displayed. This in most cases removes the following properties: StrokeStartLineCap, StrokeEndLineCap, StrokeDashCap, StrokeLineJoin, StrokeMiterLimit, StrokeDashOffset
  • Added support for gradientTransform on radialGradient
  • Added support for known colors in xaml writer - known colors like Black, Yellow can now be written with its name instead of hex display (#FF000000). This feature is used by default but can be disabled with setting UseColorNames in XamlWriterSettings to false.
  • Fixed propagating text styles to child tspan elements (for example if text has underline decoration set, underline will be used also on the child tspan elements - if not overwritten by different text-decoraton)
  • The path is now automatically closed when the last segment ends on the same position as the start segment. Before if the paths were not manually closed, there could be some sharp edges on some parts of the path.
  • Greatly improved performance on reading svg files.
  • Improved setting the size of returned Viewbox.
If AutoSize is false the returned Viewbox has the size that is defined in the svg file. The previous version did not set the size correctly.

If the svg width and height are specified in cm, mm or inches the output size in xaml is set in cm.



Apr 9, 2009, 2:34:39 PM4/9/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
I am very excited to announce that the new version of ReaderSvg is

It can be downloaded from http://www.wpf-graphics.com/Downloads.aspx.


Илья Кирюхин

Apr 10, 2009, 8:17:55 AM4/10/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
Thanks for new version, Andrej!

Using geometries is really good. But I found some bugs in this version
(gradients, positioning and transparency). I'll send you report with
svg-examples as soon as possible (I think in monday).

Ilia K.

Илья Кирюхин

Apr 13, 2009, 9:22:41 AM4/13/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
I made several svg-files.
The bugs that you can see:
1. The same element in different svg-files has different rendering.
Filling with solid color doesnt render (blue ballon in baloon.svg and
2. No transparency (baloon.svg)
3. Linear and radial gradients dont render (baloon2.svg)

Ilia K.

Andrej Benedik

Apr 13, 2009, 4:57:22 PM4/13/09
to wpf-gr...@googlegroups.com

I am sorry but the only problem I can find is that the opacity property is not used in my reader (2.).
All other files are rendered just as in Inkscape with all the gradients.

If you are using an evaluation version of ReaderSvg the problems you report could be caused by the evaluation version - showing some DEMO text or gray brush instead. Please check the "Preview as using licensed version" in ViewerSvg to see the svg file rendered as a licensed version would be used.

If the problem is still there could you please prepare a screenshot with marked problem.

If some really big problem will be find in this version I will make a fix and release a new version, but if there will not be any bigger problems the opacity property will probably have to wait for the next release (I cannot say when). Sorry but making a release takes some time and I have lots of other thing to do also. Maybe buying a team license of something similar would persuade me to make a new release for only opacity property.


Илья Кирюхин

Apr 14, 2009, 3:29:09 AM4/14/09
to WPF Graphics Site group
2 screenshots comparing Inkscape 0.46 and ViewerSVG

Opacity is not big problem. I can wait for next release.

Andrej Benedik

Apr 14, 2009, 3:33:35 AM4/14/09
to wpf-gr...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for the screenshots.
As I thought the gray background is produced by the evaluation version (this version replaced some of the brushed by DEMO text or gray backgound - in case "Show demo text" is turned off)

Please check the "Preview as using licensed version" in ViewerSvg to see the svg file rendered as a licensed version would be used.

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