News: Announcing the WINNER of the 2022 CWPA Graduate Research Award

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May 23, 2022, 4:36:15 PM5/23/22
Good morning friends and colleagues!

The Council of Writing Program Administrators Graduate Research Awards committee is thrilled to announce the winner of our 2022 CWPA Graduate Research Award. This year, the committee had the pleasure of reading and providing feedback on 15 (!!!) graduate student submissions.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Joe Franklin, a recent PhD graduate from the University of Louisville, as our 2022 Award winner. Fantastic work, Joe!

Joe's submission was a manuscript entitled “'Where Do I Draw the Boundaries?': Mobile Containment in TWPA Work," excerpted from his dissertation, Transnational Writing Program Administrators: Mobility, Entanglement, Work. This inquiry is an institutional ethnography that advances the global turn in writing studies by foregrounding the narratives and intellectual work being done by scholars who are directing writing programs/writing centers outside of the United States. Significantly, Joe's submission makes space for important, often marginalized voices to be heard.

The committee is also excited to recognize three additional submissions that we felt deserved the distinction of Honorable Mention:
  • Jennifer Burke Reifman (University of California, Davis), "'Smoke and Mirrors' in Writing Placement: Reading the Reader through Raciolinguistic Ideologies"
  • Stacy Wittsock (University of California, Davis), "Institutional 'Standards' as Intentional Gatekeeping: An Institutional Ethnography Examining the Ecology of Assessment in a Developmental Writing Course"

  • Ray Rosas (Penn State), "Identifying Race-Evasive Textual Tactics in a Predominantly White Institution: Towards Antiracist Genre Resistance"
Again, our heartfelt congratulations to Joe Franklin and to our honorable mention recipients. All of these graduate student researchers will have their names and work announced at the 2022 CWPA Summer UnConference (details forthcoming), and Joe will also be asked to present his work at the same event.

Thanks, too, to the 2022 Graduate Research Awards committee members: Beth Buyserie, Kelly Moreland, Robby Nadler, Emily Jo Schwaller, Erica Stone, Irwin (Bud) Weiser, and Charles Woods. 

Feel free to reach out to these tremendous scholars and congratulate them! The future of the field of WPA sure looks bright.

Kat O'Meara (committee chair)
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