Set default post time

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Terry Ambrose

Nov 18, 2020, 8:06:50 PM11/18/20
I’ve been using WP Editorial Calendar for quite some time now and have thoroughly enjoyed the plugin. For the most part, I think it’s excellent. The biggest problem I have with it is there not being an easy way to set the default post time. I know, edit the edcal_default_time option. As a former web developer who coded by hand, I know the problems of letting users edit files. I’ve read your comment in the forum about there not being a UI for this, but that seems like it’s taking the easy way out. Quite honestly, I can’t see why the plugin wouldn’t simply include a file with the updatable options, filled with the default values initially that users could easily modify. That way, as an include file, the changes aren’t lost each time there’s a plugin update.
Terry Ambrose

Zack Grossbart

Nov 18, 2020, 8:20:02 PM11/18/20
Hello Terry,

Thank you for using the Editorial Calendar.  I've never included a file to edit the options for the calendar since WordPress offers an easier way to do that.  Just go to this URL:


WordPress has a nice UI where you can edit the options for all of your plugins.  The calendar has the following options:
  • edcal_author_pref - should the calendar show authors
  • edcal_count - we used this option to prompt you to collect statistics after you used the calendar three times. We've stopped collecting statistics.
  • edcal_do_feedback - this option turns off the statistics collection prompt
  • edcal_status_pref - should we show post status
  • edcal_time_pref - should the calendar show post times
  • edcal_weeks_pref - how many weeks should the calendar show
  • edcal_wheelscroll_pref - should the calendar scroll when you scroll your mouse wheel
You can set the default time preference once and then change it from this page.  I could also set a default value for this option so it shows up in this page in a future version.

Is that what you were looking for?


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