Spell damage modifiers

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Aug 20, 2008, 12:24:08 PM8/20/08
to Shaman Round Table
I'm personally torn between continuing my shaman as main (elemental)
or switching to a warlock for WotLK. I'm currently at or near the top
of total damage for my 4/5 MH, 4/9 BT guild on most nights, but that
has less to do with me and more to do with our "pure" dps. I'd like
to be a top-line DPS class for WotLK.

I think warlocks had such PvE dominance in TBC because of the absurd
amount of modifiers they got to Shadowbolt (and later the large buff
to incinerate spam): ISB, shadow weaving, Demonic Sac, and addition to
general +spell dmg modifiers like Misery.

Looking forward to Wrath, I imagine that a similar pattern will form.
The classes/specs with the most powerful dmg enhancing modifiers will
be top damage, those without will not.

So, is anyone aware of a list of school-specific dmg modifiers for
Wrath? Not the general dmg increasing buffs/debuffs which provide the
same benefit for all casters (e.g. misery, CoE), but abilities like
imp. scorch or winter's chill.


Aug 20, 2008, 12:32:42 PM8/20/08
to Shaman Round Table
I think that with the proper class balance, fire, frost, arcane and
shadow are all going to get the same modifiers (from different places,
but it will work out to be the same)...Notice that there is a school
missing from there.

I think there will be at least 2 warlocks on every raid... 1 Demo lock
(12% increase in spell damage) and 1 destro (for pure DPS). I think
Locks will continue to be the top DPS class for ranged.

Elemental shaman will have their uses, but from a pure damage
perspective, I think Locks will remain much better.


Aug 20, 2008, 3:40:37 PM8/20/08
to Shaman Round Table
I think Nature gets about the same treatment, with the caveat that
Moonkin's debuff for nature is only +6% dmg (I think), but we also
have to factor in extra Stormstrike debuffs and the potential for +28%
dmg from those charges if the enhancement shaman glyphs for the extra
nature dmg.

I pray windserpents are no longer a top dps pet in WotLK.
> > imp. scorch or winter's chill.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Captain Zifna

Aug 28, 2008, 8:47:34 PM8/28/08
to Shaman Round Table
Actually... I believe that all the curses will not stack with the new
Deathknight ability, Ebon Plague, which makes the target take 13% more
magic damage of all types.

Bwahaha... equal footing is ours.


In addition, this particular interchange was very interesting to me,
partway down this page: http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/9023610738-raid-stacking-in-wrath-of-the-lich-king.html

Person asking Blue:
Again, I ask you, why not reduce the effectiveness of shaman
utility (and utility in general for that matter) but increase their
personal performance?

Blue: Yes, totally. It works both ways. If everyone is bringing buffs,
then classes that have always brought buffs need to be better at dps
(or healing or tanking or whatever) so they aren't eclipsed. We want
you to have options, and if some specs or classes are just
demonstrably worse, they really aren't an option.

They did say pure classes will maintain a slight edge, but they said
they wanted player skill to be able to overcome that edge at all but
the very highest levels of raiding (i.e. where you assume everyone is
the same skill level).


Aug 29, 2008, 10:49:52 AM8/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
At first blush I'm really excited by these changes. I think hybrid
dps specs will see big damage improvements (none more than shadow
priests) and maybe, just maybe, I'll no longer do high dps relative to
my raid in spite of my spec, but because I spec well, gem/gear well,
and play well.

On Aug 28, 8:47 pm, Captain Zifna <CaptainZi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually... I believe that all the curses will not stack with the new
> Deathknight ability, Ebon Plague, which makes the target take 13% more
> magic damage of all types.
> Bwahaha... equal footing is ours.
> ^_~
> In addition, this particular interchange was very interesting to me,
> partway down this page:http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/9023610738-raid-stacking-in-wrath-of-t...
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