Anyone else in Beta?

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Captain Zifna

Jul 29, 2008, 9:22:36 AM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
Iapetes, perhaps? Through a lucky combo of events I've found myself
with a key (though as far as I know the "opt-in" keys are yet to be
sent out).

I'm on the PvP server, with a deathknight named Macbeth and my shaman,
renamed Zifnastorm. Feel free to friend me if you're in.

In the meantime, tho my time is limited preparing for my upcoming IRL
events, if anyone had something they wanted me to try to check for
them I will do my best to do so!


Jul 29, 2008, 9:47:36 AM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
Just keep us updated on what good stuff is going on and where they
continually fail us.

Captain Zifna

Jul 29, 2008, 10:42:21 AM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
Hehe... okay, well then my first installment of the Good, the Bad, and
the Interesting:

Thunderstorm is amazingly fun.

I agree with the theorycrafters who say you can't spec into it for
Elemental PvE at the present time.

The change to Spellpower made my healing weapon slight better than my
Naj'entus dagger on test... in part, because the +healing enchant on
it had been converted over to +43 spellpower, while my +damage enchant
became +40 spellpower.


Jul 29, 2008, 10:43:30 AM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
I made it into the beta as well courtesy of a guildy who works for
Blizzard. So far I really like how they set up the starting area for
Deathknights. The class seems like it will have a lot of potential to
be fun to play.

So far it feels like the expansion will play just like TBC did when it
first came out. Basically if you enjoyed the expansion, expect more
of the same from Lich King. That said they have some pretty cool
questlines to complete. A guildmate sent me a video of a dragon quest
line he was working on. Pretty cool stuff.

On Jul 29, 9:47 am, Farmacy <> wrote:


Jul 29, 2008, 12:51:01 PM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
I'm in the beta as well, although I don't expect to spend a ton of
time there (will max at 75 at the most - I like having unknown

Characters are Solwolf (elemental on live, enhancement in beta), Zod
(warlock), and Deathwail (DK). Humperdinck the hunter and Megaera the
mage are on there as well, but will probably see limited use.

I'm starting to think that going enhancement for beta is a mistake -
since I haven't meleed since the early days of MC, I don't have much
to compare the experience with, so my feedback is fairly useless from
a talent-tree perspective.

To echo Zarrik, the DK starter quests are a lot of fun and are very
well thought out - the world evolves with you, a first in WoW. There
are a couple quests that need to be tweaked, but the zone itself is
easy and doesn't require a single talent point investment to
complete. The transition from minion of the lich king to a free-
willed, do gooder DK is very abrupt, but I hear they're going to
smooth it out some. The end of DK quest line gear is absurdly good
for the level - I'm killing Silithus mobs in 5 seconds or so.
> > > them I will do my best to do so!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Jul 29, 2008, 12:56:53 PM7/29/08
Lucky bastards. =( I was in every single beta that WoW ever had... original closed beta, open beta, stress test, closed BC beta, open beta... still waiting on my key -.-


Jul 29, 2008, 4:02:56 PM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
Anyone have any numbers on the new healing coefficients? :D

On Jul 30, 4:56 am, Aaron <> wrote:
> Lucky bastards. =( I was in every single beta that WoW ever had... original
> closed beta, open beta, stress test, closed BC beta, open beta... still
> waiting on my key -.-


Jul 29, 2008, 10:18:21 PM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
Actually, Zif, can you check if the new warlock talent in the destro
tree procs from immolate?


Jul 29, 2008, 10:53:24 PM7/29/08
to Shaman Round Table
I'm not on there too.

Alliance PvE & Horde PvP, toons have yet to be re-named.


Jul 30, 2008, 10:19:01 AM7/30/08
to Shaman Round Table
According to MMO champ, Paralyis will be replaced with something, and
deep elemental is being changed somehow as well.

It seems blizz is aware of the 43/28 elem/enhance power build and is
going to strengthen elemental to compensate.
> > > > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Jul 30, 2008, 6:41:56 PM7/30/08
to Shaman Round Table
Yeah, saw the post on the beta forums. Hopefully they take note of the
massive post I got Malan to put up before I got my beta key.

Captain Zifna

Jul 31, 2008, 9:38:29 AM7/31/08
to Shaman Round Table
"Actually, Zif, can you check if the new warlock talent in the destro
tree procs from immolate?"

I can certainly /w one of the warlocks on there (I have a warlock, but
she's not levelcapped on live and I didn't transfer her over) but I'm
a little confused as to what I would ask.What talent are you referring


Jul 31, 2008, 12:59:50 PM7/31/08
to Shaman Round Table
I want to know if ticks from Immolate proc molten core.


Jul 31, 2008, 6:05:41 PM7/31/08
to Shaman Round Table
word on the warlock beta forum is "no"
> > > > > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Aug 4, 2008, 5:58:21 AM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
Oh well this answers my previous question. Zifna, I have great news. I
have a friend with a well geared ret paladin on the horde side on
beta, and he's giving me his account info for beta, so once I'm on
I'll be sure to contact you! =)


Aug 4, 2008, 6:16:13 AM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
Also, now that I know you're on the beta I'm a bit surprised to not
see you here at all:


Aug 4, 2008, 7:02:58 AM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table

Already there :D


Aug 4, 2008, 1:23:46 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
where? :o


Aug 4, 2008, 1:25:04 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
nevermind, I see her in the paralysis thread now... wow I read that
thread, how did I miss seeing zifna there? O.o

On Aug 4, 7:02 am, Binkenstein <> wrote:

Captain Zifna

Aug 4, 2008, 6:59:51 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
Sweet! I'm gonna be afk for 2 weeks or so... (Marriage this Saturday!
Honeymoon in Disney!!), so don't get discouraged if I'm not around,
I'll definitely be back. If you see "Icibumm" on, you can /w him too,
he'll get me. =)

Captain Zifna

Aug 4, 2008, 7:01:01 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
Oh, and as far as the Beta forums... been a bit busy, and shortly
after I got access they announced they were planning changes to deep
Elemental, so I'm holding off a bit on really commentating. No point
in noise just for noise's sake, right?


Aug 4, 2008, 8:57:37 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
Yeah true enough. Congratulations again on getting married!


Aug 4, 2008, 9:39:34 PM8/4/08
to Shaman Round Table
True, that's why I haven't posted more either.

Also: I'm on PvE (Northrend) alliance as Binkenstein (original I know)
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