World of Warcraft Macros - Basic WoW Macros for Warriors

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Mar 10, 2009, 10:07:21 PM3/10/09
to World of Warcraft , WOW

World of Warcraft macros allow you to automate certain repetitive or
complicated tasks in WoW by binding a series of text commands (those
you would normally type in the command window) to a button which will
execute the commands when it is pressed.
Covering all the options you have when creating WoW macros would take
a small book so instead of boring you with all those details I thought
I would use this article to go over the macros that are most helpful
for warriors.
First, a few general characteristics of macros themselves.
Using regular World of Warcraft commands in macros works just the same
as if you were typing them in the command line. For example, to set up
a macro to say "Have at you!" the line in the macro would simply be: /
s Have at you!
When writing commands that utilize the WoW user interface like casting
a spell or moving items in your bags, commands must be written in the
LUA programming language. Don't worry if you're not a programmer and
don't know LUA because you don't need to in order to use this guide, I
only mention this because it will help you understand the macros
better if you know the difference between a regular WoW command and a
LUA command.
All macros are case sensitive and are broken into two parts. The LUA
commands should be written in lower case while the WoW function
commands usually use a capital letter to begin each word.
For example, if else then and not end are each a LUA command and
should always be written in lowercase. CastSpellByName "Spell" is a
World of Warcraft function command which you can see because the
beginning of each word is capitalized.
/script must always be put at the beginning of a string of commands,
unless you are just using WoW in game slash commands. For example, the
above Wow function command CastSpellByName "Spell" would actually be
written like this: /script CastSpellByName "Spell" as a macro because
it isn't a standard in-game slash command and therefore needs to have /
script at the beginning of the sentence.
But, /logout and /laugh are examples of in-game slash commands and do
not need /script at the beginning of the sentence. Putting paragraphs
between scripts will seperate the two scripts from each another and
they will be recognized as two separate scripts by the game engine.
So, if you are using the if command in a script the entire script up
through the end command must be in the same sentence. This means you
can't use paragraphs to make the command more readable because the
game engine will interpret the new paragraph as the beginning of new
; is commonly used as a delimiter between commands and acts like a
paragraph in that the sentence after the semi-colon will be
interpreted as a new command.
If you are using the if command the if must eventually be followed by
the then command and ended by the endif then command in order to be
valid. For example, a typical if/then/else command would look like
this: if Something is true then Do Something end
Some WoW commands will have empty parentheses () at the end of the
command and, even though there's nothing between the parentheses they
must still be included for the command to be valid.
Basic World of Warcraft Macros for Warriors
Two of the most common questions I see from warriors regarding macros
is "How do I change my stance" and "How do I change my weapons" so
those are the two macros I'm going to go over here. I'll cover basic
and advanced stance commands first then go over changing your weapons
using a macro after that.
There are several commands you can use to change your stance as a
warrior. I'll explain the simple commands first then later on I'll
introduce ways to use more advanced commands to gain much more
powerful effects.
Changing your stance can either be done by casting a
"Spell" (CastSpellByName "Spell") or by using the function command for
changing stances (CastShapeshiftForm()). The CastSpellByName "Spell"
command will cast whatever spell is typed between the two quotes
(where Spell is currently written). A stance is a Spell as is a charge
or an attack. Basically, anything you see in your spell book can be
"cast" by using the CastSpellByName"" function.
Here are a few examples:
/script CastSpellByName"Battle Stance" will put you in Battle Stance /
script CastSpellByName"Defensive Stance" will put you in Defensive
Stance /script CastSpellByName"Berserker Stance" will put you in
Berserker Stance
You can also use a function command for changing stances. This command
does the same thing as the CastSpellByName command but is a little
shorter. Because each World of Warcraft macro is limited to 255
characters it's important to use the shortest command possible to
accomplish your goal.
/script CastShapeshiftForm(1) will put you in Battle Stance /script
CastShapeshiftForm(2) will put you in Defensive Stance /script
CastShapeshiftForm(3) will put you in Berserker
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Apr 7, 2009, 7:26:08 PM4/7/09
to World of Warcraft , WOW
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