World of Warcraft Herbalism

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Apr 19, 2009, 12:58:58 AM4/19/09
to World of Warcraft , WOW

This guide will explain to you how to level your Herbalism from 1 to
375 as quick as possible. If you're already at skill level 375, skip
this part, and check gold tips in the section below.
You might want to buy some cheap green gloves at AH, and enchant them
with +5 Herbalism.
Another thing you would want to have is an add-on which tracks the
flowers you collect. Examples: Cartographer (recommended), CT_MapMod.
Herbalism 1-50: Start in Durotar, Mulgore, Teldrassil, Elwynn Forest
or Tirisfall Glades (Whichever zone you're nearest) picking up
Silverleaf, Peacebloom and Earthroot until your Herbalism skill is 50.
When you reach skill level 50, don't forget to learn Journeyman
Herbalism 51-100: Collect more Mageroyal, Earthroot, Peacebloom and
Silverleaf in the Barrens or Westfall.
Herbalism 101-125: Collect Bruiseweed in Stonetalon Mountains or
Redridge Mountains. Don't forget to learn Expert Herbalism when you
reach skill level 125.
Herbalism 126-160: Collect Wild Steelbloom and Kingsblood from
northern Stonetalon or Duskwood. Steelbloom is found closer to the
mountains and Kingsblood is found just a bit away from them. Do this
until your Herbalism skill reaches 160.
Herbalism 161-205: Next you'll collect Fadeleaf to sell on the Auction
House until you reach 185. It can only be found in the Badlands,
Hinterlands, Arathi and Alterac Mountains. But, it is easiest to find
in Swamp of Sorrows, and this way you can stay and collect Khadgar's
Whiskers until your Herbalism skill reaches 205. Remember to learn the
artisan Herbalism skill.
Herbalism 206-250: Pick Sungrass in Feralas until your Herbalism skill
reaches 250.
Herbalism 251-335: Pick all the flowers you are able to in Felwood. As
you skill up, you will be able to pick more flowers. Some time between
skill levels 275-300 you should move to Outland, Honour Hold/Thrallmar
to learn master Herbalism skill.
Herbalism 336-375: Now you move to Zangarmarsh. The place is filled
with herbs, and you should easily be able to skill to the max cap.
Earn Gold
There are a few profitable methods:? AH: You sell the herbs you
collect directly on the auction house. ? Create potions: Get an
alchemist (with a mastery you need for that type of potion.) to make
potions and flasks. Recommended here is to get an Elixir Master to
create flasks from your flowers. Remember to check the auction house
often to see what is the more profitable of the two methods. This may
vary on time and
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