World of Warcraft Alchemy

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Apr 19, 2009, 1:01:48 AM4/19/09
to World of Warcraft , WOW

Alchemy is one of the most important and useful primary production
professions in World of Warcraft. It allows players to take herbs and
plant matter into all manner of elixirs, potions, and oils for sale to
other players or for use with professions that heavy need of such
potions. Any of these concoctions can be used for rebuilding mana,
health, or energy and are thus very useful and valuable in the in-game
economy. On other occasions, certain concoctions are needed to
complete quests or to serve other professions as reagents. It's those
last two categories that off the most chance to make some real money
with your profession.
Getting Started
After choosing alchemy, you're only left with one more profession as
alchemy is one of the two primaries you are allowed. A perfect match
for alchemists as the second profession is Herbalism as a primary
gathering profession. You'll need many of the materials an herbalist
You'll need to be level five to get gong and can find a trainer in any
of the major cities throughout the game. There are four basic levels
of proficiency, like any of the other professions and each one
requires a certain amount of prerequisites before you can get going.
Herbalism as Support
Herbalism is another Primary Profession that allows you to find and
gather plants in the wild. You'll need hundreds of different herbs in
your rise as an alchemist, so it's cheaper and more efficient to
simply gather them yourself. You'll save gold and even make some more
gold in the process.
If you do not choose to be an herbalist though, you can find many of
the products you'll need to build up your item base with an Herbalist
supplier. You can also trade with other players throughout the game to
gather many of the items you'll need.
For those interested in further supplementing your profession,
consider the secondary profession of fishing. Fishing can be used in
addition to your primary two professions to gather many more useful
reagents and ingredients only found in rivers, seas and lakes.
Why it's a Good Choice
Alchemy proves to be one of the very best professions in the game for
anyone who might need potions or elixirs, mainly healers or druids.
You can craft useful items not only for your own class but for
everyone else as well, selling your wares to any number of other
players. You'll build up numerous methods of garnering more gold and
supporting the in-game economy. If you choose gather reagents and
build up your stock you can become a great source for many other
people and guarantee your place atop the world gold
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