Tips for Beginners in World of Warcraft

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Apr 19, 2009, 12:56:44 AM4/19/09
to World of Warcraft , WOW

World of Warcraft is one of the deepest online environments ever
created and for that reason more than a few million people have taken
up residence there. There are thousands of tips and tricks to help you
enjoy the game a little better, so let's take a look at some of the
basics out there that will help you right away to have more fun when
getting started.
Reading Your Quest Journal
This is almost a no-brainer, but there is a journal that keeps careful
track of what you are doing and how much of it you have done. If you
simply type "L" you open your quest journal and have instant access to
all of your current quests. It keeps you from earning the scorn and
insult of your fellow gamers for asking unnecessary questions. The
quest journal not only keeps track of what you're doing, but where you
need to be going.
Talk to City Guards
In every city there are NPC guards everywhere. They are perfect for
finding directions to things in the massive cities of Azeroth. They
not only give you immediate directions to wherever you are going, but
they put a little flag on your map to remind you later and keep you
from bugging anyone else. If you have any questions that seem slightly
too simple to harass other players with, ask a city guard and you
should be able to get to where you're going.
Trade Skills Have Complements
Don't randomly choose skills and professions when you get started. If
you do, you risk missing the chance to choose the chosen complementary
skill and maximize your efficiency. If you choose blacksmithing for
example, the complementary gathering skill is mining. If you chose
herbalism instead though, you would need to purchase all of your
blacksmithing materials from a vendor or another player, wasting large
sums of gold in the process.
Auto Run is Useful
Many people don't realize or see that they can turn auto run on easily
with the Num Lock key. It keeps you from holding down the run key
though and will save you large amounts of time and energy when you're
trying to chat, check your inventory and run at the same time.
Quests are Not Stuck on Race
One thing many people get wrong about the game is that they are stuck
with the quests designed for their race. You are not required to only
take the Night Elf quests if you are a Night Elf. No matter which race
you are, you can utilize any of a variety of different quests from
across Azeroth. If you were a human or dwarf for example, you can
travel to Teldrassil where quests are easier and quicker to complete.
For new players, that means a much quicker approach to the leveling up
early in the game.
For those interested in getting started in World of Warcraft there are
hundreds of things that could help you. The best thing you can do
though is to simply talk to your fellow players and get a little
advice. It will make you feel a lot better if you don't make a fool
out of yourself or waste hours of valuable
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